I think i remember us all chatting about our voices in a thread some place here but i just wanted to say LOL this was just so funny, i was on the phone to a builder and he thought i was the daughter of the household!!! hahahah My voice is weird
Hating my job more and more, i feel so upset about it, i really feel like running away from it all. Just so tired and i can't talk to anyone and if i lose what i have then im in a mess even more.
CV going online when ive sorted it asap. Cant cope much longer and when i get like this i do bad things to cope.
Posts: 12,280
Threads: 2
Joined: Oct 2015
I'm a : Single Gay Man
^ That is a positive step you're taking for yourself Big D.
As for me, all this hippie talk reminded me of that French guy I had to endure on the way back from Mendoza in 2010. Man, he was one gorgeous piece of man candy, but he was clearly one of those nutjobs that like to go "natural" on body odors. Let me tell you one thing: "natural" does not smell good. Not wearing antiperspirant/deodorant and not showering DOES NOT SMELL GOOD. I mean...come on, you're a First World dude, you should be setting the example for the rest of us ungodly savages. Seriously, his smell equated only that of construction workers at 18:00 in the afternoon. It was horrible and I spent 8 hours on a bus with that stench.