This is going to be a strange post. Let me start by saying that I still live with my mother and have never been employed.
I've been getting those "spots" in my eyes lately. Makes my vision blurry and difficult to see. A few moments ago, I got this waterfall effect on the side of my eyes. Then I remembered a few years ago when I went to the optometrist, she told me I might have possible cataracts. She told me if I ever had that waterfall effect, the go to a doctor.
Now, I doubt it's serious, probably just been staring at this screen too long and should go to bed. But I got curious and googled "blind disability benefits" and found that a blind person can receive up to $1800 a month. That's about what my mother makes.
So, now I'm debating, if it were cataracts/some vision impairing illness...would it be better to just lose my sight? I'm already useless and my mother spends so much time and money to support me. Getting it fixed would only be more bills and debt for her. But losing my sight, and claiming disability, would actually help. It would double her income.
What do you guys think?
I don't have a specific diploma, I'm only a sale assistant about that, but I work in an optician shop, and I worked there for several years.
I think you're very young for cataracts... Don't play with fire... Also I would not replace my sight (which is bad, but I'm not blind!) neither for 1 million or something.
Are you out of your mind? Go to the doctor, take care of your health and start working. Are you aware that your mother most likely is not immortal? Who'll take care of you later? Have you thought of that?
If you're willing to be blind just to receive some amount of money, you have serious mental problems, man. I'm sorry.
Do you know if you have diabetes? If need to get it checked.
I would definitely recommend for you to go to a doctor.
Get a job, instead. I don't think that becoming blind would make your mother happier, even if she got some money out of it. Hell, if you were my child, I'd be very angry at you for considering such a thing.
Blindness would also make you more reliant on her, less independent. Add to that the fact that you'll loose the ability to see all the beautiful things in this world. Not only that, you'll loose the ability to communicate in written form. You won't be able to use a computer. You won't be able to read books. You won't be able to watch movies. You won't be able to oggle cute guys. Sounds like a non-choice to me.
See an Ophthalmologist NOW, not an Optometrist, but an Ophthalmologist who is an MD and can diagnose eye disease.
Cataracts are not a disability because they are easily corrected, so you won't get disability payments based on cataracts.
The symptoms you describe could be indicative of any number of conditions, ranging from "floaters" (harmless black spots in your vision to early macular degeneration (a serious condition).
I hardly think that losing your vision would make things easier for you or your mother. The reality of the situation is that you would need to basically relearn every action in your life, and your mother would be burdened with a great deal of your care in the process.
My sister is blind, and I know exactly what that entails - I'm sorry, not to be mean, but your question isn't weird, it's frivolous.
Get a grip and work at getting your life on track man. Blindness is not an "easy out".
Edward Wrote:Are you aware that your mother most likely is not immortal? Who'll take care of you later? Have you thought of that?
Of course I have. I would not l stay alive after my mother died. I would just kill myself. Hell, the one reason I would stay alive at all if I lost my sight would be so she could get my disability money.
Eromir Wrote:Get a job, instead. I don't think that becoming blind would make your mother happier, even if she got some money out of it. Hell, if you were my child, I'd be very angry at you for considering such a thing.
Blindness would also make you more reliant on her, less independent. Add to that the fact that you'll loose the ability to see all the beautiful things in this world. Not only that, you'll loose the ability to communicate in written form. You won't be able to use a computer. You won't be able to read books. You won't be able to watch movies. You won't be able to oggle cute guys. Sounds like a non-choice to me.
"Get a job"
Oh, wow, I never thought of that. You mean all those applications/interviews were pointless? All I had to do was just get a job? Wow! Thanks! I magically have a job now!
"Blindness would also make you more reliant on her, less independent. "
Not by much. She would have to help make me food, and maybe wash my clothes, but that's pretty much it.
"Not only that, you'll loose the ability to communicate in written form. You won't be able to use a computer. You won't be able to read books. You won't be able to watch movies. You won't be able to oggle cute guys"
I don't really care about any of that. I don't talk to people anyway, even online. I don't read, And why would I want to look at cute guys? It's just a reminder of the fact that I'll always be alone.
Wanting to be disabled so you don't have to work and just leech off the government is plain wrong. You should talk to a therapist about why you'd do such a thing.
I have cataracts and a waterfall effect is not from cataracts. It is a sign of a possible retinal detachment. You need to see a doctor now.... er yesterday. GO.
I don't want to be disabled, it's just at this point it seems to be the only way I'll ever be useful to someone.
But it doesn't matter anymore, this thread is just going to get worse. Will a mod please delete/lock it? Thank you.
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"Up to" a certain max is based on work history and credits from paying taxes into the system. If you don't have that then your max will be the minimum, which is much lower! As low as $721.
Your logic is indicative of isolation, sadness and helpless feelings masked by a thin veil of wishful intent. If things were different then you'd be different. There IS such a thing as victim of circumstance. No one should suffer so, but many do and it's real. I can't imagine dealing with this, especially as alone as it sounds for you. How savvy is your mom? How much do you want to do the right thing that is in you and yours' best interest?
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