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Five Questions
bort Wrote:1. What is your spirit animal or favorite animal?
2. How many different countries have you been to?
3. Do you have any weird hidden talents? (Touch your tongue to your nose, flexibility, etc.)
4. What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite album or artist?
5. What do you like most about yourself?

1. Lemmy

[Image: Lemmyshorts_zpsa5aa8c4a.jpg]

But this year's gonna be the year of the ram too, so that's a thing

2. Two. US and Panama, where my mom and grandparents are from

3. I can put both my feet behind my head at the same time. Shakin

4. Most of what I listen to ends up being rock or some jazz or funk or pop or some electronic genres. Favorite artists: Parliament/Funkadelic, Miles Davis, Pink Floyd, Oneohtrix Point Never, Talking Heads, Tune-Yards, Steely Dan, etc

5. Good question. There's not much, so I guess I'll say I like when I can make people laugh, not that it happens too often. I also like being able to hear a song and instantly know what key it's in, and figure out the chord progression in a minute or two

ShiftyNJ Wrote:1. Planes, trains, or automobiles?
2. If you loved the book, do you see the movie?
3. Do you consider yourself fashion-conscious?
4. What is your biggest "OGT"
5. Optimal sleeping conditions?

1. Automobiles. If it's gonna crash, I better be the one at the controls.

2. If it comes on netflix. I don't watch movies much.

3. Hahahahahahahahahahaha

4. I dunno, slightly limp wrist when speaking or focused on something else maybe? More likely me making extremely graphic gay jokes that pretty much deliberately descend into bad erotica usually involving me or someone else being ravished (please let it be me though :redfaceSmile

5. On my right side (sleeping on left side feels weird unless I jut out my right thigh in front of me) with one pillow below my head, one between my legs, a couple of sheets, no bright or blinking lights, no noise other than a fan for background noise. Little spoon.


1. Your experience with religion?
2. Ever seen part of a tv show/movie/video game/etc and thought the rest might be good, only to see the whole thing to find out it was disappointing?
3. Do you play video games? What are your faves?
4. Personal trait you need to work on?
5. How many butts am I holding up?

1. Your experience with religion?

My father is Roman Catholic, my mother is Episcopalian. They agreed when they married that my father would bring their kids up in his faith. I grew up attending a modest cathedral-style church in the inner city. It had a vague sense of history about it that I found appealing. I was an altar boy for a few years, and the priests were always nice and friendly (and no, none of them tried to get into my pants).

We moved cities, and our next church was a modern one. I didn't like it as much. Through my teen years, I started feeling disconnected from Mass. I was going just to go, really. I remember mulling over during the sermon once what it would be like if the priest told me "OK, just kidding. None of this is real."

In high school, I was assigned to write a persuasive essay, that I had to actually hand to a person to persuade them about something. I wrote about wanting to change religions, and handed it to my father. It was one of tgree times I saw him cry. He asked if I would at least try other Catholic churches in the area before leaving the Church, and I thought that was the least I could do. I tried a few of them, but I just never again felt "connected". I tried once more in my twenties when I moved to a new town, but again, nothing. I've been agnostic ever since.

That said, my parents are excellent examples of "good Christians". They volunteer at soup kitchens and homeless shelters, and they're very accepting. They've welcomed my partner into the family fold.

2. Ever seen part of a tv show/movie/video game/etc and thought the rest might be good, only to see the whole thing to find out it was disappointing?

Oh yeah. I remember watching the start of a Gargoyles episode, and loving it. But the longer it went on, the worse it got. Finally, with about five minutes left, I turned it off. I then drew a hot bath, got in, and re-imagined the episode as I wish it had gone. It was around this time that I started looking at TV, movies and books differently. Not as impenetrable "wholes" that have to be dealt with in toto, but as raw material for myself to use as I see fit. I've mentally written and rewritten ongoing stories taking characters and scenarios partially or completely from dozens of different sources. So when I end up seeing a show that isn't so hot, I'm fine with it - I just look for "material" I can reuse later.

3. Do you play video games? What are your faves?

Very rarely. I have a few hidden-picture type games on my iPad that I play occasionally. I have a few old Nintendo games (Bubble Bobble, original Zelda) on my Wii that I'll play on occasion. But I've sort of given up on hardcore gaming.

4. Personal trait you need to work on?

Stick-to-it-iveness. I keep starting things and then drift off of them. I need to stick to my chore schedule, and exercise every day, but then I miss a day, and suddenly, I'm off track.

5. How many butts am I holding up?

I only see the one. But when it's that awesome, who needs more than one? Smile

1. What's the best phone call you ever got?
2. Do you recall really wanting something as a gift as a child, and once you got it, it wasn't that good?
3. Any odd ways you like to pass the time?
4. If you were going to redecorate your bedroom, what would you make it look like?
5. What's something on your sexual bucket list?


1. What's the best phone call you ever got? The best phone call I ever got was when I reconnected with a cousin I had been close with as a kid, but had lost contact with about twelve years beforehand. We found each other on Facebook and I gave her my number. It was wonderful to be back in touch. It was like no time had gone by at all.

2. Do you recall really wanting something as a gift as a child, and once you got it, it wasn't that good? Spirograph. It was a kit of bigger plastic circles and smaller roundish gears, all with interlocking teeth. You'd stick a pencil through a hole in the smaller, run it around in the bigger, and make designs. The commercials made it look so cool, but it was disappointing. All the designs it made mostly looked the same to me.

3. Any odd ways you like to pass the time? The weirdest thing I enjoy doing is probably light, easy cleaning like dusting, windows, vacuuming. It is kind of therapeutic. And I'm always shocked at how much dirt I find in the vacuum canister.

4. If you were going to redecorate your bedroom, what would you make it look like? There would be a lot of big windows that open wide to let in the sun and fresh air. Lots of green stuff growing outside. And a master bath with a heated floor and big whirlpool tub.

5. What's something on your sexual bucket list? I would like to experience anal sex, both top and bottom. (I am not very experienced)

1. Do you have a creative side? What do you do to express it?
2. What is the greatest truth you have learned in your life so far?
3. What is your absolute favorite beverage?
4. What is your favorite holiday and what do you like most about it?
5. If you won the lottery, would you keep working in your current field, switch to something else, or retire?

1. Do you have a creative side? What do you do to express it?

I do, and I've found it imperative to express it in some form. The funny thing is that it doesn't seem to have tobe any specific form. In the past I've expressed my creativity by doing all of the following: writing fiction, writing nob-fiction, editing both, designing and making t-shirts, designing and printing promotional posters, designing corporate logos, designing CD covers, acting, voice acting, sound and set design at a local theater, stand-up comedy, writing songs, performing music, DJing. The funny thing is i haven't been necessarily very good at any or all of these things. But that's OK. (See below.)

2. What is the greatest truth you have learned in your life so far?

It's the journey not the destination. It's the process not the end result. Don't get me wrong - it's great to accomplish goals. But most of my joy is in the process of doing them, not in the "look what I did".

3. What is your absolute favorite beverage?

When it's cold, a Grand Marnier hot toddy or a peppermint tea. When it's hot, something frozen.

4. What is your favorite holiday and what do you like most about it?

Christmas. For a host of reasons. one of the biggest ones is that, in essence, the rules change. We listen to different music. We decorate our houses. We often do different things - go gift shopping, or go see a holiday parade, or whatever else. I like tge idea of life sort of altering a bit for awhile.

5. If you won the lottery, would you keep working in your current field, switch to something else, or retire?

I'd keep my job. The only thing I dislike about my job is the size of the paycheck, so suddenly, everything would be perfect, Smile

1. What's something you're looking forward to?
2. What's something you're dreading?
3. What famous person would you like to spend a day with (out of bed)?
4. Assuming it's pleasant outside, sleep with window open or closed!
5. What famous person would you most like to punch in the face?


1. What's something you're looking forward to?

My boyfriends 50th birthday...we are celebrating with two other Aries peeps who are also tuning 50...within days of each other.

2. What's something you're dreading?

My next doctor appointment

3. What famous person would you like to spend a day with (out of bed)?

Lily Tomlin

4. Assuming it's pleasant outside, sleep with window open or closed!


5. What famous person would you most like to punch in the face?

Sarah Palin

The next five......

1) What food make you gag?
2) Favorite Fast Food Restaurant?
3) What is the best thing you bring to the table in a relationship...the best thing you have to offer?
4) Have you ever hated someone initially and ended up loving them eventually?
5) If you could get anyone to sing/play at your wedding...who would it be?

Quote:1) What food make you gag?

fried onions. yuck! the smell makes me gag, i think eating that thing would make me throw up. i don't eat raw onions either. ew. i've had this aversion since i was born. my mom kept telling me that when i grow up i'll change my mind. didn't happen. that thing is vile.

Quote:2) Favorite Fast Food Restaurant?

it's gonna have to be McDonald's because McDonald's is the only fast food place i've ever gone to.

Quote:3) What is the best thing you bring to the table in a relationship...the best thing you have to offer?

i don't know.

i want to make a guy happy. and i do these little things (like cooking his favorite dishes, or waking him up with a blowjob, etc) and big things to achieve that purpose. but i don't know if that's the best, or what it is....

Quote:4) Have you ever hated someone initially and ended up loving them eventually?

no. that hasn't happened. and my life has been drama free enough that i have nobody i actually ever hated. can't name a single person. i dislike plenty people, i don't get along with certain types at all, but none of that is hate per se.

i hated my sister when we were growing up, she really pissed me off. but that was so because i had to live under the same roof with her and tolerate her presence. so did i hate her, or did i actually hate the fact that i had to live with her and see her daily? i think it was the latter. and we don't get along to this day, so that didn't change much. though i no longer hate her.

so, no one person has ever done anything so bad as for me to actually hate them.

Quote:5) If you could get anyone to sing/play at your wedding...who would it be?

Sting. there are plenty of other musicians/bands/singers out there i actually have a much stronger fascination for, but i would choose Sting for an occasion like that.

1. have you ever been to Italy and what were your favorite parts/places/moments?
2. what's the fanciest car you've ever driven?
3. do you actually have a gaydar?
4. describe your hands and arms.
5. what kind of clothes do you feel most comfortable in outside home?

1. have you ever been to Italy and what were your favorite parts/places/moments?

Never been. I've been through the Baltic, and at least visited a handful of countrie up thae way, but nothing along the Mediterranean. I befriended a guy from Turin a couple decadesago, and we used to chat on the phone, and send letters back and forth, but we've since lost touch.

2. what's the fanciest car you've ever driven?

Two cars come to mind, but for the life of me, I can't recall what kind they were. One was back in 1988 - I was visiting California to interview at a college, and I was staying with friends of my parents. They loaned me this little 70s convertible that took off lightning fast - it got a fair number of looks. I don't recall the make or model. Al I remember was that it was mildly broken - you could take the key out of the ignition while it was running. Weird thing to remember, but there you go.

The other wasn't too long ago. It was a rental car - the one they bumped me up to when the cheap one I resevered wasn't available. Bright red, really powerful. The agent joked that it came with two speeding tickets.

3. do you actually have a gaydar?

Only the really basic kind - the same sort where straight people can pick up on it. I'm pretty clueless in general when it comes to noticing things about people.

4. describe your hands and arms.

The arms are fairly stocky, and have quite a bit of hair. (Mainly blond, so it's not too noticeable.) They're also deceptively weak. It looks like I can lift quite a bit, but I really can't. Hans are a bit stubby, with really short fingernails. I have a port wine birthmark on two fingers of my left hand.

5. what kind of clothes do you feel most comfortable in outside home?

Jeans, t-shirts, sports jerseys, hoodies. Never been a fashion plate in any way. Smile

1. What's something tangible from your youth that you wish you had back?
2. What's your favorite breakfast cereal?
3. What's one (unmarketable) skill you wish you had?
4. What superhero or villain would you like to be?
5. What exotic pet do you think it would be fun to have?


1)I want again to trust people.
3)I regret didn't graduate from art school.
4)Iron Man
5)I would like to have an owl.
1)Name of your first love? 2)The most beautiful place where you went? 3)When you the last time laughed? 4)Favourite hobby?5)What size you buy clothes?

Vizor Wrote:1)Name of your first love? 2)The most beautiful place where you went? 3)When you the last time laughed? 4)Favourite hobby?5)What size you buy clothes?
1: Keith
2: Cathedral Lakes / Yosemite
3: Last night
4: Hanging out on GS
5: Usually large, depends


1: Do you go commando?
2: What do you own that you'd never part with?
3: Who is the most important person in your life?
4: What is the most erotic experience you've ever had? Details please!
5: What color socks are you wearing?

1: Do you go commando?
Yea, in the summer I live in boardies or basketball shorts and that's about all, unless the situation requires something more formal.
2: What do you own that you'd never part with?
My piano, a 3' enameled steel Pan Am logo which was a gift from a family friend
3: Who is the most important person in your life?
My dude
4: What is the most erotic experience you've ever had? Details please!
Hmmm... I once had a total stranger come up to me on the dancefloor, shirtless and smokin' hot, and dirty dance with me to Sting's "Desert Rose" kiss me on the forehead and disappear. That was kind of hot in a WTF kinda way. That's about as racy as I'm willing to share.
5: What color socks are you wearing?
Gray-blue. Chosen for warmth, it's wicked cold here today.

1. Do you follow any professional sport teams? Which ones/why?
2. Do you think prostitution should be legal? Why/why not?
3. Do you play a musical instrument?
4. Do you have a theory or opinion on the Malaysian plane that disappeared last year? What do you think happened to it?
5. Do you think world peace is possible? Why/why not?

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