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Five Questions
1. How many times have you received a gift you didn't like?
I have received some where I wasn't sure what the person was thinking, to be sure. I have one giant one still in the box because I'm not sure what to do about it.
2. What is the most important day of the year for you?
Hmm, maybe Christmas eve?
3. How do you deal with people who you don't get along with?
Avoid when possible, say as little to them as I can to discourage conversation.
4. Did you feel being left alone by some people whom you thought were your friends?
It's not that they're not really my friends, but some of my long-term friends' having kids has had a profound effect on our relationships. They have less time to spend together and whatever we do frequently ends up being centered around the children.
5. Can you describe your current living quarters?
We live in what is supposed to be a two-family house that my great-grandfather and grandfather built. One of the apartments was too small for us because we both also work from the house. Plus we kept getting crazy tenants. So the upstairs kitchen is now our workout room and the dining room up there is my boyfriend's office. Mine is the first-floor bedroom.

I just posted questions in my last comment.

1. Are more of your favorite music artists male or female? Anything enlightening about that?

Male - my favourite music is Punk and metal , very few women in both really...women are making a mark in the melodic metal bands like Nightwish etc though

2. Your thoughts on the term "Straight-acting"
im straight acting as the term says because the media wants gay people to be limp wristed screaming drama queens so they can label us more easily, but if you were born to fit that category and you do carry yourself in "camp" way they be proud of who you are - labels are for people looking to hate or divide in my eyes

3. Did you see the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding and did you like it? Will you watch the sequel?
Not seen it - should I ? I know its a comedy but that's about it

4. Does World AIDS Day hold any significance for you? Do you do anything to observe it?
this is probably horrible to say but it didn't mean it was a day aimed at me because im gay - the hiv virus doesn't care if your a woman, child, or man - the powers that be needed someone to blame and the gay community took the bullet - apparently the biggest new group of new cases for it are middle ages women ? go figure

5. The U.S. currently allows TV advertisements for prescription drugs, targeted at consumers. The American Medical Association is calling for a ban on this. Thoughts?
Ban the adverts now before you create an army of addicts of what they see as legal drugs that do good, in their eyes they are not addicts too

My 5

1, if you bought a jacket from a charity shop and it had £20 or dollars etc left in the pocket - would you take it back to the charity shop ?

2, what's your guilty music - and do you tell people or do you sing along in private ?

3, if you were adrift at sea - would you save yourself or save your friend if you had limited water

4, have you ever stood up for yourself knowing you would probably get a beating for it - or did you negotiate out of it

5, Tattoos or no tattoos ...that is the question ... and if so, then why did you pick the ones you have
"when u wake up with me ....I'll be your glass of water"

3. Did you see the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding and did you like it? Will you watch the sequel?
Not seen it - should I ? I know its a comedy but that's about it

I thought it was cute but being from an "Ethnic" family in America with many of those "it's only funny 'cos it's true" stereotypes could be part of the reason why.If you saw/enjoyed Bend It Like Beckham you might like BFGW.

4. Does World AIDS Day hold any significance for you? Do you do anything to observe it?
this is probably horrible to say but it didn't mean it was a day aimed at me because im gay - the hiv virus doesn't care if your a woman, child, or man - the powers that be needed someone to blame and the gay community took the bullet - apparently the biggest new group of new cases for it are middle ages women ? go figure

It may be generational. I was coming out as the plague was at its worst, I lost (at least) two friends to AIDS and have others living with HIV. I think if you are my age or a little older, it's more likely you were touched by it and thus may be tuned in. I'm a little scared by the cavalier attitudes fomented by the way the pharma companies suggest it is a "manageable" disease thanks to their products.

5. The U.S. currently allows TV advertisements for prescription drugs, targeted at consumers. The American Medical Association is calling for a ban on this. Thoughts?
Ban the adverts now before you create an army of addicts of what they see as legal drugs that do good, in their eyes they are not addicts too

See above. Doctors who went to school for how many years and have oceans of debt to prove it now get approached by someone who says "You should put me on this drug" because they saw a nice commercial with butterflies that said it will fix hir problem.

ShiftyNJ Wrote:1. Are more of your favorite music artists male or female? Anything enlightening about that?
2. Your thoughts on the term "Straight-acting"
3. Did you see the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding and did you like it? Will you watch the sequel?
4. Does World AIDS Day hold any significance for you? Do you do anything to observe it?
5. The U.S. currently allows TV advertisements for prescription drugs, targeted at consumers. The American Medical Association is calling for a ban on this. Thoughts?

i want to answer these questions.

1. male. there are some female artists i do enjoy listening to (e.g. Dolly Parton) but they are definitely on the rare side. out of close to 400 CDs that i own, i only have 9 CDs by female artists (Parton, Pink, Avril Lavigne, Alannah Myles, Laura Branigan, Alison Moyet). even out of the bands that have more than one member, only one in my records collection has a female lead (Guano Apes). i clearly prefer the male voice, i have been aware of this since i was a kid. but i also think i am oriented towards certain genres where the serious artists do tend to be mostly male.

you can find a lot of serious female pop music artists, but i don't buy pop music records. in my favorite genres of rock'n'roll, roots rock, country, alternative, heavy metal, classical, and house music, men by far dominate the field.

2. should be lost from the vocabulary. people should realize there is no such thing. men are men. the way they behave and their personalities are far more complex to be reduced to such two-dimensional approach oriented toward their sexuality. sexuality does not reflect character/behavior. and this term 'straight-acting' perpetuates this misconception.

3. no. and no.

4. nope. pretty much an empty word to me.

5. such advertisements should be allowed. i don't see a problem. i realize they're afraid this might make some ''consumers'' more prone to use some drugs, but i don't think that will happen, and certainly not on a scale to be worried about.

matty7 Wrote:1, if you bought a jacket from a charity shop and it had £20 or dollars etc left in the pocket - would you take it back to the charity shop ?

2, what's your guilty music - and do you tell people or do you sing along in private ?

3, if you were adrift at sea - would you save yourself or save your friend if you had limited water

4, have you ever stood up for yourself knowing you would probably get a beating for it - or did you negotiate out of it

5, Tattoos or no tattoos ...that is the question ... and if so, then why did you pick the ones you have

1. no.
2. Enrique Iglesias. and yes, i tell people. and yes, i've been laughed at (especially considering the core of my musical tastes) but i don't care. he has a great voice and he hasn't lasted in the industry out of someone else's doing.
3. i would share the water with him, if that's what you're asking. i don't really know what i would do in such a survival situation in actuality, but given that the word 'friend' actually denotes someone i'm in an actual friendship with (and not some generic word used for someone i happen to know) i'd do everything i can to save my friend. i am also more likely to save a male friend than a female one.
4. i was good at both. i was only ever in these juvenile situations back when i was in grade school. and when it was an important thing i stayed true to myself, but when it was inconsequential affairs i was very good at negotiating in my favor. and yes, i have stood up for myself, successfully so.
5. no. i have come to settle against them. i have one, small one that i got in the first half of my 20s, and i don't regret it. it describes me accurately and it's barely noticeable. but i won't get any more, and i don't like them on other people either. truthfully, most of the tattoos are distastefully done, are either some inconsequential words/maxims, or hieroglyphs (truly the peak of ridiculousness), or pictures/figures that mean absolute nonsense, and they are not really expressing the bearer's nature in some essential way that is inseparable from who they are to justify having put them on their flesh. that sums up my opinion.

(i'll add my questions in a bit. if i don't the next person can still take matty7's).
''Do I look civilized to you?''

1, if you bought a jacket from a charity shop and it had £20 or dollars etc left in the pocket - would you take it back to the charity shop ? - probably

2, what's your guilty music - and do you tell people or do you sing along in private ? - guilty music are some outrageous anime songs

3, if you were adrift at sea - would you save yourself or save your friend if you had limited water - limited water? hmmmm we can share

4, have you ever stood up for yourself knowing you would probably get a beating for it - or did you negotiate out of it - yep i have many times

5, Tattoos or no tattoos ...that is the question ... and if so, then why did you pick the ones you have - no tattoos

1. Have you ever seen or heard a ghost?
2. Have you ever danced at a disco?
3. Can you sing?
4. Have you ever been in a role play? If so, did you enjoy it?
5. Name an awkward moment for you when you were still in school.

thawoods Wrote:1. Have you ever seen or heard a ghost?
2. Have you ever danced at a disco?
3. Can you sing?
4. Have you ever been in a role play? If so, did you enjoy it?
5. Name an awkward moment for you when you were still in school.

1.- No
2.- yes, just once and please oh please never again
3.- I can. Whether I'm any good at it is a whole other thing. Probably not.
4.- No
5.- The entire 12 years of school were one neverending awkward moment. Ok...when I slipped and fell down during rain in front of everyone and slided across the tiled floor until I hit a wall.

1.- What does it take to make you hate?
2.- How helpful are you on a daily basis?
3.- How important is efficency for you?
4.- Will you join me swimming in the ocean?
5.- How do you internalize the atacks made on you?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

1. Have you ever seen or heard a ghost?
I don't know if it was a ghost or just my overactive imagination, but I feel like I've encountered some weird energy before. I'm easily scared by the paranormal, it's not something I'd play with or take lightly. Outside of zombie shows and occasional scary movies, I prefer to avoid it. I'm not going to visit a haunted area or play ouija or anything like that.

2. Have you ever danced at a disco?
Like a club? Yes.

3. Can you sing?
Only when I'm drunk and doing Asian style karaoke. (Never Sinatra Wink )

4. Have you ever been in a role play? If so, did you enjoy it?

5. Name an awkward moment for you when you were still in school.
I threw up on my second grade teacher. I don't think she ever forgave me. And it took until middle school until I lived it down.

1.- What does it take to make you hate?
An inability to empathize or understand the motives, perspective, and mind frame of the person or issue that is angering me. Despite my attempts to.....
I may dislike something that I can sort of understand, but I don't really think I can straight up hate it if I can get some insight on it.

2.- How helpful are you on a daily basis?
I'm extremely helpful.

3.- How important is efficency for you?

4.- Will you join me swimming in the ocean?
Yes. I grew up on the beach, I love swimming.

5.- How do you internalize the atacks made on you?
I turn to people - friends, family, artists, writers, leaders - who have faced similar attacks and seek out their insights, strengths, and comfort.

1. Where do you see yourself (physically, mentally, and otherwise) in five years?
2. Give me a thoughtful description of your opinion of New York City....?
3. Give me a thoughtful description of where you live.... ....?
4. What is one natural, non man made, thing that you consider to be powerfully beautiful?
5. What was the most meaningful gift you have received?

1.- What does it take to make you hate? - whoremongering
2.- How helpful are you on a daily basis? - i am helpful
3.- How important is efficency for you? - not that important
4.- Will you join me swimming in the ocean? - yes
5.- How do you internalize the atacks made on you? - i retaliate

1. Where do you see yourself (physically, mentally, and otherwise) in five years? - at some other place with my partner
2. Give me a thoughtful description of your opinion of New York City....? - very classy and fast paced
3. Give me a thoughtful description of where you live.... ....? far from being highly urbanized but livable
4. What is one natural, non man made, thing that you consider to be powerfully beautiful? - a hill or a mountain
5. What was the most meaningful gift you have received? - a video game

1. How have you been these past few days?
2. Are you near-sighted?
3. Have you even been to a carnival?
4. Have you ever tamed an animal
5. Have you ever stoned somebody that they bled?

thawoods Wrote:1. How have you been these past few days?
2. Are you near-sighted?
3. Have you even been to a carnival?
4. Have you ever tamed an animal
5. Have you ever stoned somebody that they bled?

1.- Very drained from a lot of work and I'm not proud to say, I've been emotional over stuff that are not even worth it. Meh. Overall, it is going towards being good.
2.- No
3.- Of sorts, it was during June 2010 and it got somehow mixed with St. Peter and St. Paul day. Can't rememeber how they called it though...I don't really like events like this so I avoid them.
4.-Can't say that I have.
5.-No, never.

1.- Is your family helping you achieve things or keeping you from them?
2.- What kind of advice would ask from the likes of me?
3.- What is the approximate radius of what you deem to be your comfortable personal space?
4.- Do you feel sometimes you were not meant to be born in this time?
5.- How accepted do you feel on average in 3 aspects of your choosing?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

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