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Emiliano Wrote:If you could instantly rid all people of one behavior, what behavior would you remove?
If you were to describe your personality with a color, which color would it be and why?
What are three words you would use to describe humanity as a whole?
What is an under appreciated part/place/aspect of your city/town/region?
Looking back on your childhood, what was one of the most awkward conversations you had with your parents / person who raised you / teacher?
1.- The tendency to remain purposefully ignorant.
2.- Red I guess. I'm always a nuke disaster waiting to happen.
3.- Pretty fucked up.
4.- That is used to be as cosmopolitan a city as New York. you could hear German, French, English, etc as part of your everyday life. Arab societies, Jewish bussinesses, etc. No one seems to remember that now that is a sad old decayed port city.
5.- My mom tried to have a convo abut puberty with me. I stopped her dead.
1.- What are your cortisol levels right now?
2.- How much have you put Alcohol Dehydrogenase to work this weekend?
3.- How many inhalations per minute are you currently doing?
4.- How much of your reality is reality and not just perception?
5.- How many times have you made decisions based on incomplete information because someone kept things from you?
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Insertnamehere Wrote:2.- How much have you put Alcohol Dehydrogenase to work this weekend?
this one particular question is interesting to me:
2. none. and talking about alcohol dehydrogenase, i suspect i am deficient in aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme or have some sort of mutation that reduces its effectiveness, which is why i've had all the adverse physical reactions (together with nausea and vomiting) to alcohol every single time i've consumed it. every single time i've consumed hard alcohol i end up throwing it up. this is why i don't drink.
''Do I look civilized to you?''
I'll play by the rules and answer all the questions then ask five more. But I can already tell this is going to require me to do some research.
1.- What are your cortisol levels right now?
Ok, cortisol has to do with my stress levels. Im a little stressed out about money, but thats sort of a baseline stress at this point in my life. So I think my cortisol levels are probably within the typical range for me - what that is, i have no idea. So I will say.... 20?
2.- How much have you put Alcohol Dehydrogenase to work this weekend?
So this is how my body defends itself against alcohol... Hmm I didnt know that my body had to do that. I know that too much can be dangerous of course.. but I never thought about the chemistry of it all. Well to answer the question, I didnt have to put it to work this weekend. But I am drinking wine right now. So its kind of crazy to think that as I'm thinking about my alcohol dehydrogenase, they are doing their job. I hope they appreciate the recognition.
3.- How many inhalations per minute are you currently doing?
Ok I understand what this asking. Hold on... you know what, im not going to time this. The more i think about it, the more awkward it becomes to breath. But Im at rest, Im comfortable, I'm healthy. Im sure its at normal human levels, and since I've googled everything else so far, I will google this too... so about 12 per minute.
4.- How much of your reality is reality and not just perception?
Oh shit, can't google that. Hmm.. I guess its all perception. Im not really seeing the world am I, Im just trusting my own perception of it to be reality. But I trust my perception enough to know that if I jump on the tracks as a train comes in, I will die. That if I dont go to work, I'll get fired. That if I try to walk through a wall, I'll bump my head. I dont know... maybe its 75% perception, 25% reality? How do you answer a question like this?
5.- How many times have you made decisions based on incomplete information because someone kept things from you?
Im sure more times that I would know, if it was because someone didn't tell me something. I also dont really know how to put a number on this.
1. Of your top five favorite types of food, what continent features most prominently?
2. What was the most valuable thing you learned in elementary school?
3. What was the most valuable thing you learned in high school?
4. If you could live inside any fictional world - from a book, a tv show, or a movie - where would you live?
5. Are you good at giving massages?
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meridannight Wrote:this one particular question is interesting to me:
2. none. and talking about alcohol dehydrogenase, i suspect i am deficient in aldehyde dehydrogenase enzyme or have some sort of mutation that reduces its effectiveness, which is why i've had all the adverse physical reactions (together with nausea and vomiting) to alcohol every single time i've consumed it. every single time i've consumed hard alcohol i end up throwing it up. this is why i don't drink.
Most definitely one of the 2. Either lackluster expression levels or maybe a single aminoacid mutation. It's good that you are aware of this, because alcohol being toxic already, it is more so if you don't have any way to metabolize it.
Emiliano Wrote:1. Of your top five favorite types of food, what continent features most prominently?
2. What was the most valuable thing you learned in elementary school?
3. What was the most valuable thing you learned in high school?
4. If you could live inside any fictional world - from a book, a tv show, or a movie - where would you live?
5. Are you good at giving massages?
I appreciate you taking the time to look all that up man
1.- Far East Asia and Mediterranean Europe share the top spot here.
2.-To play by the rules until you're old enough to objectivelly challenge a few.
3.- Pretty much all the subject taught. I had a good base there and it certainly paid off, since college was more or less a breeze for me, compared to other folks.
4.- I like futuristic stuff that retain a bit of classic in them, like a few of the Star Wars planets. That'd be nice.
5.- I haven't had much practice to give a properly researched answer
1.- About the little things in life, which ones do you appreciate the most?
2.- Same but for the bigger things in life.
3.- When you look at the ocean, or an extensive body of water, if it applies, do you ponder on what is there on the other side and how it is?
4.- Can you orient yourself easily? Or do you get lost quickly?
5.- If you eat ice cream, what are your top 3 flavors to have?
Cuz I answered all of [MENTION=21558]Emiliano[/MENTION]'s questions, then Insertnamehere beat me to posting
1. Asia, hands down. South East Asia if you want to bear down and get more specific.
2. That it's okay to like boys, no matter what my father says to the contrary.
3. To stand on my own.
4. I'm drawing a blank here. To be honest, I've never really considered it and my "fantasy world" isn't fictional at all other than in that it's made up in my own head. I DO play a lot of roleplay online with [MENTION=20938]Gideon[/MENTION] based on the Anitaverse (Anita Blake novels by Laurell K Hamilton), Merry Gentry series (by the same author), and the True Blood series. So probably that, since I have a working knowledge and understanding of how things work in those fictional realities.
5. As long as you like them a little hard. If you're sensitive and like them done softly, you should probably find someone else.
And [MENTION=23097]Insertnamehere[/MENTION]'s posts... cuz I was slow.
1. Toilet Paper
2. [MENTION=20938]Gideon[/MENTION]
3. Looking at a large body of water like that always makes me think on how much we have yet to discover about the earth.
4. Very easily in both the woods and city. The exception is a few cities I've been in that have odd shapes to their roads rather than a grid pattern, combined with a lot of one-way streets. Then I can sometimes get turned around.
5. Chocolate, Cookies and Cream, Baseball Nut (which is vanilla bean ice cream swirled with a black raspberry ribbon and cashew chunks)
1. Do you have chronically hot or cold hands and feet?
2. Do you enjoy warm weather better? or cold weather better?
3. Do you have any houseplants? If so, are the well tended?
4. When was the last time you ate ice cream?
5. Are you technologically adept? or are you "technologically challenged"?
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1. Do you have chronically hot or cold hands and feet?
neither. although when im stressed, eustressed or distressed, I have sweaty palms.
2. Do you enjoy warm weather better? or cold weather better?
how about temperate because extreme weathers are no no. I don't like extreme heat or extreme cold.
3. Do you have any houseplants? If so, are the well tended?
I have a bamboo plant that is still green.
4. When was the last time you ate ice cream?
last night
5. Are you technologically adept? or are you "technologically challenged"?
kinda both but im slow to adapt technological changes.
1. what is something you ate that you didn't like?
2. what's one movie you saw that you felt like was a total waste of time?
3. do you have any tattoos?
4. what kind of underwear do you normally wear?
5. what's your ideal outfit?
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TwisttheLeaf Wrote:1. Do you have chronically hot or cold hands and feet?
2. Do you enjoy warm weather better? or cold weather better?
3. Do you have any houseplants? If so, are the well tended?
4. When was the last time you ate ice cream?
5. Are you technologically adept? or are you "technologically challenged"?
1.- Neither
2.- COLD!!! Please.
3.- Not inside. The ones in the yard are...alive.
4.- Yesterday. Pineapple...not that you asked the flavor.
5.- The later. I'm such a bloody moron.
1. green pepper
2. all the spidermans
3. no
4. boxer briefs
5. jeans and a shirt
1.- Do you look when you're getting blood drawn?
2.- Do you faint when seeing blood, neutral, or maybe you find it interesting to see?
3.- How crazy can your family get?
4.- How many squared meters (YES, METRIC, DEAL!) is your room in area?
5.- Do you sleep messy, orderly or maybe move here and there a bit?
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1.- Do you look when you're getting blood drawn?
Difficult to recall but I don't think I do.
2.- Do you faint when seeing blood, neutral, or maybe you find it interesting to see?
At a younger age I use to cringe at the sight of it but it doesn't have much of an effect anymore. So I'd say neutral..definitely not interesting
3.- How crazy can your family get?
On a scale of 1 - 10 (10 being insane) Probably a 3-4
4.- How many squared meters (YES, METRIC, DEAL!) is your room in area?
Roughly 13 squared meters. (Yes, you made me measure it lol)
5.- Do you sleep messy, orderly or maybe move here and there a bit?
Messy! On mornings my sheets are all over the place.
Can you describe colors to a blind person?
Any quote(s) you live by?
Favourite pastime?
Are you more of the passive aggressive or forthright type?
Any encounters with extreme homophobes? Relate what went down.
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CaptainAwesome Wrote:[B]
1. Can you describe colors to a blind person?
2. Any quote(s) you live by?
3. Favourite pastime?
4. Are you more of the passive aggressive or forthright type?
5. Any encounters with extreme homophobes? Relate what went down.
1. I think I would find it difficult. I am not very good getting my words out at the best of times. Describing colours to a blind person would be very hard.
2. Be who you are at say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
3. Going for long walks. That and studying tropical meteorology.
4. I'd say forthright. If something/someone is bugging me, I will say so.
5. Luckily, no. I have HEARD other people being homophobic, but not towards me. The people that know I am gay are all either tolerant or more than accepting.
My Questions:
1. Describe the place where you live eg. The climate, whether it's a town, city or village, what the scenery is like, what is there to do etc etc.
2. Do you prefer drinking water to carbonated drinks?
3. Your favourite thing to eat, that you can cook yourself?
4. if you travelled roughly 4,000 miles west of your location, roughly where would you end up?
5. What do you think your best personality trait is?
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Cridders88 Wrote:1. Describe the place where you live eg. The climate, whether it's a town, city or village, what the scenery is like, what is there to do etc etc.
2. Do you prefer drinking water to carbonated drinks?
3. Your favourite thing to eat, that you can cook yourself?
4. if you travelled roughly 4,000 miles west of your location, roughly where would you end up?
5. What do you think your best personality trait is?
1.- Port city, facing the South Pacific, made up of a few blocks of flat and then a pseudo-amphitheatre of hills sorrounding it, a complete maze of streets and stairs, victorian houses, latino cités and French neoclassic. Climate is Köppen csb, that is Mediterranean with cool summer. Winter temps go from 5-15 °C, summer temps go from 14-24°C on average. Rainy winters, sunny dry summers, although fog is a thing all year round. I suppose it's a hub for tourism, college education aaaand little else. Fun fact, Spaniards first established it in 1536 but it didn't have a proper foundation ceremony until 1999.
2.- I prefer tea in any case, I don't quite like water, but I try to drink that over sodas.
3.- tomaticán and corn pie.
4.- Will probably be drowning somewhere in the middle of the Pacific. Or if I'm lucky in some island in the French Polynesia.
5.- Ugh. Pragmatism, I suppose.
1.- Can you shoot an arrow and hit a mark?
2.- Can you defend yourself against an assault?
3.- Have you been a victim of the circumstances?
4.- Can you teach what you know? Or do you not have that skill in you?
5.- First thought upon waking up this morning?