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Time... it will not wait.
Smurlos Wrote:And while at a glance it would appear that that was time wasted
No I wouldnt ever say that was time wasted. I think youre right, its time well spent. And if you managed to not neglect your education then thats even better. Sounds like youre owning life.
Smurlos Wrote:trips with my guy to Florida & Australia
DONT COME HERE! Your types not welcome here. frckn gays.

The best thing about getting older? Realising that a lot of the things I once thought mattered, really don't matter that much.

The worst thing? The body getting its own back.

The best and the worst thing together? Realising that people lie to you for their own selfish reasons, which sometimes even they don't understand.

The consequences of coming out later in life? I've no regrets about time I may have "lost" because I have the love and support of my dear princealbertofb. <doesn't-matter question>How do I know that I would have appreciated him so much had we met when we were younger? </doesn't-matter question>

Just looked at the clock video and it seems a nice little thing and makes you realise time is going past quickly however as humans and life forms we have acustomed to it its like they say the world spins at thousands of miles an hour when infact we never feel it and night and day dont come and go quickly it takes hours to happen

interesting thing though aint it

kindest regards

zeon x

It was on ITV news a few months ago, doesn't actually keep the time, it speeds up and slows down for obvious reasons.

Time doesn't exist, it's a creation in society's infrastructure to add consistency and routine to our lives, there is eternity, our lives will keep going on until our body gets too tired to continue on or whatever way we die.


DtotheJtotheM Wrote:Time doesn't exist, it's a creation in society's infrastructure to add consistency and routine to our lives, there is eternity, our lives will keep going on until our body gets too tired to continue on or whatever way we die.

So if it fails to get light at dawn, your dinner isn't ready when you're hungry or you miss an exam it's okay because time doesn't exist? Not just a tiny bit whimsical? Everything is subject to patterns. Measuring time is one way we can understand them. Time will march on whether we measure it or not. Rolleyes

marshlander Wrote:So if it fails to get light at dawn, your dinner isn't ready when you're hungry or you miss an exam it's okay because time doesn't exist? Not just a tiny bit whimsical? Everything is subject to patterns. Measuring time is one way we can understand them. Time will march on whether we measure it or not. Rolleyes

That's what I mean though, I probably should have explained it better xP our methods of measuring time are essentially futile, are they not? the idea of time that we ourselves have created is completely different to the rest of the universe, there cannot be a absolution of time, venus time is different to earth time, and so on... xP the invention of time passing by such as seconds and hours are not ours to set unless we use it like we have to structure society. There are patterns yes, but they were there first before we considered; "The earth spins one turn in 24 hours", what if society had turned out different, and hours were infact 120 mins as opposed to 60? It does not matter what time-labels we put on things, we do it just to help our understanding of things, everything exists and eventually breaks down, but our sense of time cannot govern it because it has to happen before we can set a time to it. A person could be given 6 months to live, but die from the same cause in 5 months instead, we cannot be sure, so we put an estimation on things, the generalisation and estimation stems from real things, but they are not necessarily absolutions...

...went on a bit of a tangent there xP it's possible that nothing i said there made actual sense xD

While our methods are not absolute for the universe altogether, our terminology and identification of time is what we need to understand its flow in relation to ourselves. Thus if we should ever meet another species deep in the universe that has the ability to understand time, it is probable that their identification will be different from ours, but it will share the same concept of flow from was has been, what is, and what shall be.

There will never be denying that there is a past, a present, and a future.

DtotheJtotheM Wrote:...it's possible that nothing i said there made actual sense ...
Possible, but no ... no ... er, you're okay. I'm sure it made sense Wink

Presumably you are pointing out the difference between Newton's concept of absolute time and Einstein's ideas that superceded Newton's?

yeah, sort of, meh, I just don't like the way that science thinks that it's figured everything out xP *runs away with non-scientific convictions* LOL ^^

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