So, there's this guy that lives in my town that I have met up with quite a few times over the course of the past year. I wouldn't say on a regular basis, but at the very least at least once a week or every other, we would meet up.
Whenever we would text, I always kept it simple, asked him how everything is and what not and eventually we would agree to meet again. The last time he messaged me (which was the beginning of last month) he mentioned he was going on vacation at some point soon. I haven't heard from him since.
I don't expect to because I know it was just a "For Fun Only" relationship, but at the same time, it sucks that he hasn't even said anything about ending it if he had wanted to.
Anyway, like I said, just wanted to get this off my chest, I am not expecting him to randomly show up and pounce on me. But there is always going to be the small desire to meet again.
Have you tried initiating contact? You could always send a text saying something like "How was the vacation?" and see if he writes back.
Yea, just message him and ask him how his vacation went or how he is doing.
In my experiences of dealing with those who, like you, venture into 'just for fun' sort of relationships and not serious partnerships, there is a bit of a tendency for one or both members in that just for fun relationship to feel that there is really no reason to contact the other and tell them 'Hey, you know all that sex we had? Well it was good enough, but I'm not going to do that anymore because __________ (fill in the blank)'
Well a bit of a tendency may be in error... It would appear to be a rather common thread in the tales I have heard regarding such....
I would suggest sending a nice message inquiring about his health and let him reply on his own time.
But I would refrain from holding one's breath that he will reply....
you met this guy once a week for a year omg! he is in the same town i say check out something may be wrong!!
Dude, Sorry to say this, but I've been here quite a few times.
There's usually always one person in this casual relationship that always reads more into it and expects more . While the other participant feels it's just casual, the other is reading a growing relationship.
Sorry but it all sounds casual to me. However, I really don't have much info on your situation. So maybe he might have you on his mind.
If you yourself are saying the statement "For Fun Only" Well, that might tell you something right there.
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I agree with austin,,,, something may have happened to him. So it would be nice of you to inquire about his vacation and if he is alright.
It's always good to come to Gay Speak
Hey all, thanks for the replies. I always took it as a casual thing, never looking to have it grow past what it is. Just figured there was the common courtesy built into it to say "Hey, I'm moving on, But it was fun while it lasted."
As far as contacting him, I have. I had messaged him once or twice while he was on vacation overseas (forgetting he was on vacation) saying "Hey, how's it going?" or things of that nature. At the same time, I don't want to come off as creepish or stalker-like.