10-07-2008, 08:33 PM
fjp999 Wrote:UGH, I hate to admit it but my most memorable kiss was with a female soul mate.
We had been best of friends for a year or two at uni. I was openly gay. We spent a lot of time together and was my best friend...
One summer nite the two of us along with another male (closeted queen) had a walk to the open air museum garden.
I found myself with Anita as Matt was off looking at something else.
Anita is a short petite woman. Somehow our lips met as she brought her face up to mine and mine down to her. The kiss was delicate but passionate. Just as our lips met, somewhere in the city fireworks went off. Um, that was pretty cool. Poor Matt later said it was the most embarrassing moment of his life.
Our relationship lasted nearly 2 years when Anita suddenly broke up with me. I had become very close to her family. Even her mother was shocked and asked ME why her daughter had broken the relationship.... After about two decades we are still best of friends and talk at least weekly.
LOVE FOREVER :arrow-thru-heart:
That's a really nice story