so i have a friend thats bi and im straight i think so we automatically became friends as soon as she transfered to my school now out of our whole little group were pretty close i was the first person she came out bi to and everybody body in our lil circle kinda knew since she was lez or bi because she acted very sexual around the girls but after she came out she acted especially sexual towards me and i geuss since then ive kinda realized i got feelings for her to but ive never really been attracted to any other girls
Hi, have you tried talking to her?, maybe that'll help you understand what your sexuality is and how you feel towards each other.
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It's great to explore your feelings and maybe even act on them. Save the labeling for later. You don't need to label yourself, just be yourself.
What does acting very sexual mean, at 16?
And about your sexuality, exploring never hurt anyone. If you feel it enough to try it out, then it will probably be a nice experience at the least, an eye-opening lifechanger at most.
What worries me is that if you go for it and find out you're actually not into samesexsex, then you'll probably hurt your friendship.
So, check this out. I have a deep infatuation with redheads.
When I was 16, I had a 17 year old musician buddy who was tall, pale, had long red hair, blue eyes, freckles and was packing rather large downstairs (he showed me a couple times). He played guitar in a heavy metal band, wore black combat boots, skin tight black leather pants, trench coat, and some death metal band's shirt. He presented himself as straight and aside from his band mates and a few close friends, myself included, most people were intimidated by him or afraid of him. (This was before my threesome with my best bud and the girl we were both after.) He comes up to me one day and looks into my eyes, puts his hand behind my head and neck and tells me how hot I am, how much he wants me and that he decided to come out as bi for me and asked me to do the same for him.
Now, I really had to pee and when he stopped me to tell me this I was headed to the bathroom to pee and then run to my next class. In addition to my pressing immediate needs, I was somewhat more reserved and repressed back then (if that is possible). I was perfectly fine doing chicks, even in front of others, but a dude, and this guy no less...hell no. I had the biggest baffled face and then I just laughed and told him I really needed to go...and go as in piss, so I made a haste decision, blew him off and turned him down, told him to f off. We still remained friends, but he would constantly flirt with me and always held out hope that I'd say yes to him.
Just last year I recently contacted him, he's married with two kids and still he somewhat hinted at flirting again. Now, of course, he lives across the country and he says he's happily married, but said something to the effect of, "If I was available, you know what I'd want." And now, all these years later, having a better understanding of myself, I'd follow through in reciprocating his advances and would not hesitate to take it where he would want it to go.
My only regret is not doing it when we were younger and not really having the opportunity now (at the moment anyway)...
Do you want to have that same regret 15 years from now and let an opportunity to share an amazing experience with someone you really like and click with?
What is it you are afraid of?
It`s said that more than 30% us men have had sexual desire to other men, but only 0.7% are 100% sure that they are gay.
Hi, jazlentypin, my experience was similar to yours. I was 20 and found this place to socialize and make friends. Me and this other girl hit it off right off the bat once we started talking. It was crazy. She was openly bi and I never batted an eye about it. A couple of weeks later (after some sexual remarks from her, similar to your case) I began to realize I was attracted to her, though I had never found any women to be attractive in any way prior to this experience. It didn't take long for me to realize it was a HUGE fucking crush. Eventually, about a month later, I got up the balls to tell her. It's been nearly 2 years since then, and I'm happy and proud to say that girl is my girlfriend now, and a much better SO than the only man I was ever with (which lasted a meager 2 months).
Well i went to her house and talked to her and we both think we have some sparks there and she said it would be fine if i didnt want to tell any one because im catholic.. so right now i think were a thing
I'm glad you told her. Don't live a life with regrets.
Will: Good for you! People miss out on so much when they're afraid to take a risk. I wish you all the best!