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I hate having a bf smarter than me
I left Brisbane on August 16th. On the 24th Jay started in about he and I needing to meet *somewhere* (between there and South Dakota I assumed) before he comes here on Dec 27th. It's not the first time he came up with that and I handled like I've done in the past ---- no danged way! It costs too much and I'm back in my final year of school. He dropped the subject. He dropped the subject too easily now I think back about it.

I've had two real bad days in a row at school. Yesterday I was there from 7:45am to after 11pm dealing with the eight freshmen I'm responsible for.......... AND.......... an outbreak of infantile homophobic namecalling that needed to be dealt with before it went any further. Needless to say I've been stressed.

Today I was home at five and have the house to myself. I messaged him & found out he was home so we got on cam to talk. I wanted to vent about my two bad days in a row. I mean that's one of the great things about being in a relationship isn't it??? When I was halfway into telling him about all the name calling he got up and went somewhere else in the house and came back in nothing but his underwear. He told me to go on with what I was saying.... so I did --- or I TRIED to finish what I was saying.

He'd brought magic markers back with him and began writing words on paper and putting them up to the vidcam for me to see acting like he was on drugs. The words were all the names gay people are called --- FAG --- BUGGER -- HOMO --- SISSY --- NELLIE -- etc. I though he was making fun of me and then he sat down and acted serious like he was really listening.... Then in the middle of it... he interrupted......

"Ryan's ganna be 'ere fo' Gay Pride on th' 20th an' stayin ova ta play th' Junk Bar (a place we've been to) on the 23rd."

"Ryan who?"

He explained we'd seen Ryan perform 2 years ago when we went to Chicago to visit friends of his who live there -- a young gay singer who was okay but I hardly remember anything about his music --- just that he was real nice to look at while he sang. Jay bought some CDs and talked to him a while. He's been playing the cds all the time since then and trying to get me to like it. I put 2 and 2 together and figured out since he's got friends who are organizers for Pride day in Brisvegas he had something to do with Ryan going there to play and sing. I was right but that's off subject.

"All the time ya been hearin' Ryan's music ya haven't listened to any of it have ya?"

"nah, it's not my style or what I like to listen to."

He sent me a song and asked me to listen to it..... and all of a sudden as I watched the video I realized the whole time I was trying to tell him about the name calling that was going on in school he was leading up to the song....... about LABELS put on gay people..... and how to deal with them.....


And he ended up talking me into flying there for Pride Day in Brisbane... dang it all to hell and back. I hate the little fucker. hahahhaahhahhaaaaaaa. I am such a sucker.

Will: Dude, not for anything, but this is a hell of a lot to wade through for a vid that won't play on my iPad and a singer mentioned only as "Ryan"...

However, since I'm also a smart BF, I'm going to assume you're talking about "Define Me" by Ryan Amador?

Pretty good song, but I like some of his other stuff better. Have you heard "Instead"?

Sorry to hear that you had some bad days, hope you enjoy Pride next month.

*sigh* I want a smart boyfriend, or a dumb one it doesn't matter, have fun at the pride festival and try not to kill anyone before then.
[Image: tumblr_n60lwfr0nK1tvauwuo2_250.gif]

Hells bells V, I wouldn't know what to do if Mark weren't the smarter one. The equalizer, though, is that you know exactly what he likes in ...um...other areas of his life. Make him suffer until the neighbors know your name.


I thought about posting something I always think about when I run into people I can't stand, so I thought maybe meme or anyone else could use it. believe it or not it's from the movie Catfish,

"They used to tank cod from Alaska all the way to China. They’d keep them in vats in the ship. By the time the codfish reached China the flesh was mush and tasteless. So this guy came up with this idea that if you put these cods in these big vats, put some catfish in with them. And the catfish would keep the cod agile. And there are those people who are catfish in life. And they keep you on your toes, they keep you guessin’ they keep you thinkin’ they keep you fresh. And I thank god for the catfish, because we would be dull and boring if we didn’t have somebody nipping at our fin."
[Image: tumblr_n60lwfr0nK1tvauwuo2_250.gif]

Ya know I'm just being a jerk complaining about him being a smarty, right? He came back at me Thursday and talked me out of going to Pride day there after he'd talked me into it Wednesday. He's going to record it all and if I were to fly there on short notice it's twice the expense and going through jet lag recovery TWICE in a four day span isn't something I want to really try out again. I've done it once.

He's probably smarter simply because he doesn't have an index finger applying pressure to his brain...

Just say'n....

WILL: I know that Adam's a hell of a lot smarter and more capable than I am. In most situations, however, he's smart enough to make me feel like I'm the smart one and I'm the one making the decisions. IDK, but it works for me.

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:He's probably smarter simply because he doesn't have an index finger applying pressure to his brain...

Just say'n....

What he said!!

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:He's probably smarter simply because he doesn't have an index finger applying pressure to his brain...

Just say'n....

Are you any good at reading minds?

[Image: tonguesass_zps65b2e2f5.jpg]

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