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Not a Virgin Anymore
LOL… just a bit of an update. He emailed me last night at work (I work late on Thursdays) and asked if he could come over again. I'm like, sure, why the hell not, LOL! It was a hot evening -- rare here. We have maybe three or four nights a year that it stays warm outside once the sun goes down. Last night was one of them. So he came, we hung out, we caught up with how are days went and then we got naked and just fooled around. Very quickly got all hot and sweaty -- which I love. Tongue3

This has all been very vanilla -- which is totally fine with me! However, he made it clear he wants to fuck me!! :eek: I said I was open to that but not ready. Hell I don't even have any lube in the house -- let alone condoms -- and of course he doesn't either. LOL!! And, not having had sex in over a decade, I, um, well -- lets just say some *preparation* is involved. LOL

So, on the agenda for today: Buy lube and a dildo << His suggestion. LOL!!!

I'm sorry, I hope I'm not coming across too -- hmm, what exactly? I just think this is funny. Not in a critical way but in a kind of "how absurd can life get?" way.

It's nice that we're not just getting naked together but talking. He isn't sure that he's gay. He likes watching straight porn and fantasizing about fucking a girl, but he also fantasizes about fucking and being fucked by men -- so he is at least bi. HOT! LOL!!! But he is shy and still "struggling" a bit with accepting himself and his feelings.

He's not developed yet but he has a nice body. He looks sort of like a younger version of Tony Milan (if you know who that is). Here is a pic but I'll not embed it because it is animated and involves an erection NSFW!!:

http: //theluckeystar.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/Tony-Milan-1.gif

(If you want to see it, you have to copy/paste and take the space out between the "http:" and the rest of it.)

So, if you can imagine a younger guy who looks like that, no beard but a slight shadow, softer features, but COULD look almost exactly like that if he worked 0ut -- that's this dude. :eek:

I suggested we start working out together at the gym. I know enough, I could help him get a body just like that. He's not sure about *that* though -- because (he said) he's "lazy" but also he's not "out" and not sure he wants to be yet and afraid if he's seen with me at the gym other kids will think he's not only gay -- but a grave robber LOL!. I said, "Well, first off, if we're just there working out together most people won't even notice and even if someone he knows does see us, so long as we're not overly familiar, we can just say we're friends. Old people and young people *can* just be friends, right? No one is going to *know* anything unless we tell them and most people are too uptight to even *suggest* something "improper" between two people as different in age as we are." -- Anyway, he's thinking about it. I doubt it can happen but I think it would be a HOOT! LOL!!

I want him to find himself. I want him to have all the fun he can stand! I want him to get comfortable with his sexuality and explore.

As he started to get dressed he said he was gong to a Frat party and "Maybe I'll pick up a girl!" He was kind of kidding around but I said, Yeah, why not??!

He dresses very "preppyish" -- very nice but a bit formal. Most guys, especially on a night like last night, are in sleeveless shirts, cargo shorts and flip flops. But even as hot as it was, he was wearing a black Tshirt with a starched (he ironed it himself, I asked) white button down long sleeve shirt over top. These were both neatly tucked into his black pleated trousers above his loafers.

As he was getting dressed to leave he put his Tshirt on and then the white shirt and started buttoning it up to tuck it all back in again. I said, "No, no! You're WAY more sexy when you leave your shirt tales out. And don't button up the white shirt. Just let it hang open. Roll up the sleeves a bit. He did and he looked so HOT. I said, Dude, you're going to be a chick/guy magnet!

Anyway, he's from a very conservative background and still very much figuring all this out about himself. He has NO IDEA how sexy he is -- I hope to help him learn Smile I think young men should have fun, feel sexy and feel confident and good about themselves. If I can help him get outside his shell, maybe push his social envelope a bit so he feels more sure of himself and free to experiment and learn what he likes and doesn't -- I'll feel like I've done my job. But DAMN -- if I can get him into working out and developing his body, I should be given GOLD STARS IN HEAVEN!!!


In what way this was disgusting? He's an Adult and so are you. And I do believe that you're not that pervert. I was 19 - not a virgin though, but after I got owned by Jake I realized that I didn't know much about sex hahaha. I understand why your boy went for you, even though you don't consider yourself a sex god he went for someone that would not tear his ass open for being a young turk learning about sex. I really do hope he comes back to you, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.

Alex Wrote:In what way this was disgusting? He's an Adult and so are you. And I do believe that you're not that pervert. I was 19 - not a virgin though, but after I got owned by Jake I realized that I didn't know much about sex hahaha. I understand why your boy went for you, even though you don't consider yourself a sex god he went for someone that would not tear his ass open for being a young turk learning about sex. I really do hope he comes back to you, this could be the start of a beautiful friendship.
No, I don't think it is disgusting… hope I didn't imply that. I think it is kind of sweet -- just "strange" from my POV. I've always been *attracted* to younger men but my relationships have been age appropriate. My first partner was 3 years older than i (but very 'boyish' in a lot of ways); my second partner was 10 years younger -- but he was 39 when we met! Hardly a spring chicken. And I had great sex with both of them -- especially the second Tongue3

Anyway, I've outlived BOTH of those guys and I was basically saying I'm not interested in being sexual anymore. I mean, yeah, I jerk off to porn and that's fine. But the idea of going out and trying to find someone -- frankly, it just feels too daunting, too much work.

I'm also not particularly interested in a "relationship". I don't mind living alone at all. In fact, I like it.

To the extent I thought about it at all, I've thought a FWB might be fun but, again, it isn't something I was willing to put any energy into making happen. (Even though I live in one of THE most gay friendly places on earth.) I've actually been social with a lot of gay men -- many of them younger (although not THIS young, LOL!).

So to me this is just strange. Out of the blue. Guys are always asking "how do I meet guys" -- well, hell if I know. How did this happen? I have a profile on a forum. I have pix (nothing particularly suggestive). I have filled out the profile. Said a bit about myself. Said I'm just looking for friends (which is true). And somehow -- out of ALL the people he *could* contact -- he chose ME. Just strange. NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!


MikeW Wrote:No, I don't think it is disgusting… hope I didn't imply that. I think it is kind of sweet -- just "strange" from my POV. I've always been *attracted* to younger men but my relationships have been age appropriate. My first partner was 3 years older than i (but very 'boyish' in a lot of ways); my second partner was 10 years younger -- but he was 39 when we met! Hardly a spring chicken. And I had great sex with both of them -- especially the second Tongue3

Anyway, I've outlived BOTH of those guys and I was basically saying I'm not interested in being sexual anymore. I mean, yeah, I jerk off to porn and that's fine. But the idea of going out and trying to find someone -- frankly, it just feels too daunting, too much work.

I'm also not particularly interested in a "relationship". I don't mind living alone at all. In fact, I like it.

To the extent I thought about it at all, I've thought a FWB might be fun but, again, it isn't something I was willing to put any energy into making happen. (Even though I live in one of THE most gay friendly places on earth.) I've actually been social with a lot of gay men -- many of them younger (although not THIS young, LOL!).

So to me this is just strange. Out of the blue. Guys are always asking "how do I meet guys" -- well, hell if I know. How did this happen? I have a profile on a forum. I have pix (nothing particularly suggestive). I have filled out the profile. Said a bit about myself. Said I'm just looking for friends (which is true). And somehow -- out of ALL the people he *could* contact -- he chose ME. Just strange. NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!

You're a good looking man Mike, if I wasn't with Jake - which I love with all my guts - I wouldn't mine a look alike Sean Connery hahahaha. Sorry you remind me of Sean Connery and I get hard like fuck whenever I look at this dude on film.

Alex Wrote:You're a good looking man Mike, if I wasn't with Jake - which I love with all my guts - I wouldn't mine a look alike Sean Connery hahahaha. Sorry you remind me of Sean Connery and I get hard like fuck whenever I look at this dude on film.

Alex baby! It's funny how you keep saying don't tell Jake. But yet you'd be the one telling me or that WELL I'm a member of this forum as well so obviously I'd see what you write. STOP IT baby please. I am not a jealous person, unless you want me to be. And I'm sure you don't want that to happen. Would I be jealous, I'll be also extremely violent and hurting you is the last thing I want to do in my life... At least physically that is. I don't know psychologically, I certainly did at some point, but don't make me a jealous guy. I trust you with my eyes closed. I can fall down knowing that you'll be there to catch me. The day you'll let me drop is because you have a physical condition or that you don't love me anymore. That day has not come and I hope it will never do.

You're right Mike does resemble Sean Connery, my god I'd give nothing to get Sean Connery (Hahahahaha I can't say I'd give everything to get Sean Connery, I have everything including a trophy husband hahahaha.) Love you alex baby and Mike You do look like Sean connery and congratulation for your new hook may it be a good hook. Have fun!

Jake Wrote:Alex baby! It's funny how you keep saying don't tell Jake. But yet you'd be the one telling me or that WELL I'm a member of this forum as well so obviously I'd see what you write. STOP IT baby please. I am not a jealous person, unless you want me to be. And I'm sure you don't want that to happen. Would I be jealous, I'll be also extremely violent and hurting you is the last thing I want to do in my life... At least physically that is. I don't know psychologically, I certainly did at some point, but don't make me a jealous guy. I trust you with my eyes closed. I can fall down knowing that you'll be there to catch me. The day you'll let me drop is because you have a physical condition or that you don't love me anymore. That day has not come and I hope it will never do.

You're right Mike does resemble Sean Connery, my god I'd give nothing to get Sean Connery (Hahahahaha I can't say I'd give everything to get Sean Connery, I have everything including a trophy husband hahahaha.) Love you alex baby and Mike You do look like Sean connery and congratulation for your new hook may it be a good hook. Have fun!
OMG Jakey I'm sorry, really I am so so so sorry. God I feel so awful and disrespectful to you right now... sorry I couldn't watch the movie tonight. You've had me thinking, why do I want you to be jealous? You have no reasons; I have you - I love you so much it's indisputable. Why the fuck do human needs jealousy. Anyway this is mike thread let's not go overboard. I believe we need a new thread. Jakey I love you I mean it, I love you. I'll kill fluffy if I didn't. Sorry Mike needed to make amend.. so sorry. Fuck I'm so sorry!

About his friends that would see you and him together, you could always reponse that you are relatives, like uncle or grandpa. Seriously though, do his friends know all about his relatives.

thanks for sharing your story... well I was surprised myself when I lose it for the first time. But then I realize how good that is and that someone can still adjust to the feeling

MikeW this is the first time I have the pleasure and honor to interact with you! first of all you my dear are NOT A PERVERT! I get the feeling this young man is not manipulative either! I love the story and how you both allowed it to naturally evolve! while I only know you through your contributions on this forum, I am for the most past a good judge of character. I can read between the lines and get a feeling of someone online, among other things; so I can tell you that the young man is right, you come across as very warm, nice, and wise man; who wouldn't want anyone like that!? thank you for the lovely story. I do hope to read more chapters in the future!

LEANDRONJ Wrote:MikeW this is the first time I have the pleasure and honor to interact with you! first of all you my dear are NOT A PERVERT! I get the feeling this young man is not manipulative either! I love the story and how you both allowed it to naturally evolve! while I only know you through your contributions on this forum, I am for the most past a good judge of character. I can read between the lines and get a feeling of someone online, among other things; so I can tell you that the young man is right, you come across as very warm, nice, and wise man; who wouldn't want anyone like that!? thank you for the lovely story. I do hope to read more chapters in the future!

Ah, well, you don't know that the story continues here: https://gayspeak.com/showthread.php?t=33928!

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