I would never normally ask about a sore throat because we all get them. But two days ago, in the afternoon, I had a headache and I felt very tired all day, (I think it was due to a lack of sleep the night before), so I napped for a majority of the afternoon. The next day, I still had the headache but around late morning, it went away, but since then, I have had a sore throat. I have absolutely no coughing or anything else whatsoever and the throat doesn't hurt consistently, but swallowing is uncomfortable. Does anyone have any ideas of what is the cause and how I can fix this? I really don't think I'm sick, but my throat hurts when I swallow.
Are you having allergies or a stuffy nose?
The headache could have been a sinus headache and while you slept your sinuses drained into the back of your throat causing it to become sore. I get sore throats like that all the time. Drink hot drinks when you get up, gargle salt water, also buy a netti pot or something like that. The netti pot or squirt bottle works great at cleaning out your sinuses. Also take an allergy pill.
Did you recently have a flu shot?
I was finally (half) convinced to get one for the first time ...I have never had the flu in my life...and I got a wicked sore throat the next morning that lasted for a couple days...then I got nausea...now I am fine. I know they are related ...have never had a sore throat anything like that before...
Honestly 'sore throat' is one of those symptoms like headache, very common with a lot of diseases and disorders.
So you could have a cold, the flu or cancer or now Ebola....
A (one) symptom is difficult to base a diagnoses on. I would have to get a look see at your throat to see what is going on and ask you more questions before I could narrow it down.
One thing is that you had lack of sleep, then slept it is possible that you were snoring loudly and profusely with your mouth hanging wide open leading to dryness settling in.
See something as off the wall like that can cause sore throat.
Wait a couple more days, gargle every hour or so with salt water (about a tablespoon of salt stirred into hot water (hot enough to dilute the salt, not so hot as to scald your mouth).
If the soreness persists more than three more days, or worsens or you get other symptoms too, see your doctor.
I have no idea. Just don't send me a PM with germs on it.
It could also be allergies.....but as has been noted....there are so many things that a sore throat can signify...I also would gargle with salt water....eat dill pickles or drink the pickle juice to keep the pH acid.
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I am now convinced that flu shots are a good idea. Damned cheap insurance when it comes down to it.
As for sore throats, most of mine were taken care of with $14,000 worth of sinus surgery twenty years ago.
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