I guess what I was thinking is that I wouldn't have a chance with anyone of Asian descent due to cultural barriers, and from what I'm hearing that's really not the case. I'm really attracted to Koreans and the japanese because of all the physical aspects, but not really because I'm interested in the sub Stereotype or anything. I find the Stereotype of their intelligence in comparison to the average American very alluring, since I consider myself fairly bright and find my peers quite dull. In general I'd rather date someone from another culture. I'm not oblivious to the inevitable problems or whatever, I just want something refreshing. As weird as that might sound. And from what I'm hearing there's a lot of people from certain Asian backgrounds that really like whites, and what they stereotypical bring to the table, and not a lot of whites like them back. Anyways I just assumed I never has a chance with anyone from certain Asian backgrounds due to cultural barriers, but i guess that's not exactly The case. Thanks for all the help guys!
I recall one of the main online dating sites posting a breakdown of which races were into which. If memory serves, yeah, Asians were into whites. But it wasn't like whites weren't into Asians - the percentages weren't that far off. Yeah, moving to a town with more Asians is probably a good idea if that's specifically what you're after, but chances are there won't be a dearth of white guys there, either. In other words, it's not going to be like you walking in and putting out the "line forms to the left" sign.
As for me, I don't know. I never crossed off any races from my "to-date/to-be-attracted-to" list. I had some mild preferences, sure, but nothing anywhere close to where I felt I should eliminate groups. To me, that'd be like saying "Well, the first two guys I met named Vince were jerks/ugly, so I'll never date a Vince". Maybe the next Vince would be awesome.  I hadn't been especially into Latin guys, but eventually I met a Latin guy who I clicked with...and who was pretty damn good in bed, too. So I think it was a wise move to keep my options open. Then again, the gargoyle ain't that attractive, so maybe he just thought he had to keep the availability pool as deep as possible.
Dragoon Wrote:I find the Stereotype of their intelligence in comparison to the average American very alluring, since I consider myself fairly bright and find my peers quite dull. In general I'd rather date someone from another culture. I'm not oblivious to the inevitable problems or whatever, I just want something refreshing. As weird as that might sound. And from what I'm hearing there's a lot of people from certain Asian backgrounds that really like whites, and what they stereotypical bring to the table, and not a lot of whites like them back. Anyways I just assumed I never has a chance with anyone from certain Asian backgrounds due to cultural barriers, but i guess that's not exactly The case. Thanks for all the help guys!
Yes because we all know that Asians are brighter than whites.... It is my understanding that they can't drive and they eat dogs... So hide your car-keys and expect your pet to be served on some rice....
If you feel offended by what I just said, I'm sorry. But even the 'compliment' of inferring that Asians are generally brighter than whites is an offensive stereotype which is no better than driving skills and Rover ala king.
I tried to tell you in a nice way to break out of thinking of Asians in a stereotypical way.
Since nice didn't do it let me put it this way.
THAT'S RACIST - stop it!
What bugs me about this idea is that the reasons to claim an attraction to or an aversion to a whole race are based on generalities.
There are Asian guys with body hair who like football and are bad at math. Comedian Henry Cho is Korean-American, has a Southern drawl, surfs and snowboards. He loves messing with people's expectations.
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ShiftyNJ Wrote:What bugs me about this idea is that the reasons to claim an attraction to or an aversion to a whole race are based on generalities.
in my case it's to do with plain simple looks.
i'm not attracted to black guys because i don't find their look appealing. Asians are just as white as the Caucasians, really. so, maybe i am attracted to whites only after all, but it's just that that includes the Asian people (Japanese, Chinese, Koreans) since they look just as white to me. Indians, again, i find unattractive. and it is due to the fact that their skin is so dark (Indian people are like black Asians). that's why the Latinos can go both ways for me, some are okay, others not. and, again, it's probably due to the darkness of their skin. that is a factor in whether i find a guy physically attractive or not.
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Don't relate stereotypes to races...
I'm Asian, precisely Arab. However look personally at my behavior and views, I do not resemble any of my fellows. Also, each one has tastes and different attractions. I strongly disagree with the existence of a difference between the rate of gay Asians males attraction toward gay White males and vice-versa.
BlueStar Wrote:Don't relate stereotypes to races...
I'm Asian, precisely Arab. However look personally at my behavior and views, I do not resemble any of my fellows. Also, each one has tastes and different attractions. I strongly disagree with the existence of a difference between the rate of gay Asians males attraction toward gay White males and vice-versa.
I'm part Lebanese and it occurred to me recently (after a perpetually unhappy person was making hay by pointing out that there are 'three gay white men' in a group of leaders, when in fact she has no idea what their orientation is and one of us is Filipino) that technically that makes me part Asian, but - to lump someone from that part of the world together with someone from Japan or Korea and expect them to look, act, or think the same points out how arbitrary these labels are.
Half of Turkey is in Europe; the other half is in Asia. I think it's a body of water that separates them but -- if not -- the people whose house sat on the border would not likely call one child "Asian" depending on where the kid's bedroom is.