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I'm not sure why I am writing this..just worried I guess...
For the past four year, I have been rapidly developing bilateral hip pain (pain in both hips), I have been to countless doctors. Medical bills have become a serious draw on our finances, and I haven't been able to walk unassisted for over a year now. I had to quit my job and all my charities.

MRIs show that I have necrosis of the femoral neck and head in both hips (my bones are dying), and over the course of the past year I have lost 46.3 lbs. I eat constantly, I feel like I am starving, and I guess I am because I don't have ANY fat left on my body. I am 6'4" tall and I currently weight 133.7 lbs. I sleep approximately 12-16 hours a day and (thanks to Ensure) I consume 3600 calories a day.

The last doctor I was refered to said I had a severe vitimine D deficiency, but that otherwise he did t think anything was wrong with me. He told my husband that he believed it was all in my head. Needlees to say, it caused me depression and a great deal of stress at home. My husband said that he believed the doctor to be wrong, but I could tell that he was questioning it all.

Thankfully, my personal physician also doubted the other doctors assessment as well and ordered a battery of blood tests that she, as a family physician, would not normally order. She found that my corticoid levels are EXTREMELY elevated (47.7).

I have been scheduled to go see an endocrinologist this coming Wednesday. I am just tired of being sick and tired.

Thanks for listening,

Not being a doctor I can't be of much help other than be glad to see that you have an appointment with an endocrinologist.

Best of luck to you.

All these doctors have not found the cause of it? so there are no diagnosed deceases as the cause for those pains? perhaps an Endocrinologist being a specialized doctor may help you find a definitive diagnosis!? I sure hope so! I am so sorry to see you go through this!

There are issues that effect the bone structure.

I'd talk to the Doctor after doing your own research and try to point out what you think you have.

Only you know the pain you're going through, so you have to do the best you can to tell the professionals in all specific detail (however embarrassing) in order to fix it.

I hope it gets better, as this does not sound great at all.

Best of luck


Hey BooBoo.

It is frustrating when smart Doctors can be so stupid.

I had the Chief of Emergency services almost kill me because he thought my chest pains were psychosomatic....they turned out to be pulmonary embolii.....

So do not give up pushing at the Docs to investigate and find out what the fuck is going on. Because something is....hopefully the endocrinologist can put their finger on it....or maybe they'll have another idea.

Beaux Wrote:For the past four year, I have been rapidly developing bilateral hip pain (pain in both hips), ... I have been scheduled to go see an endocrinologist this coming Wednesday. I am just tired of being sick and tired.

Thanks for listening,

What a trip!!!! Hard to imagine your suffering. Difficult to read.

I'm sure glad you're staying on trying to figure it out. I guess hip replacement is just an after thought if they can't figure out what the cause of the necrosis is.

I hope you'll keep us updated so we can learn along with you. Can't take away the suffering but can certainly tell you I love having you around GS and reading your posts and hearing from you. You have a good perspective and now an impressive one considering what you have to distract you. Damn. Im-sorry-smiley
Heart  Life's too short to miss an opportunity to show your love and affection!  Heart

Hi Beaux: Sorry to hear this. You've given no indication that you were ill up until now. Glad that your doctor is investigating other paths and I hope that leads to your recovery. Keep us posted. Big hug.
"You can be young without money but you can't be old without money"
Maggie the Cat from "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof." by Tennessee Williams

I'm so sorry to hear that, I hope they find out what's going on.
[Image: tumblr_n60lwfr0nK1tvauwuo2_250.gif]

Good luck to you, man

I hope you're feeling better soon

LEANDRONJ Wrote:All these doctors have not found the cause of it? so there are no diagnosed deceases as the cause for those pains? perhaps an Endocrinologist being a specialized doctor may help you find a definitive diagnosis!? I sure hope so! I am so sorry to see you go through this!

Oh yes, I have LOTS of diagnoisis, but all of the diagnosis are of the symptoms-- they know why my hips are hurtling, it's because the bones in my hips are dying, but why are they dying? No one can say, it isn't their speciality, then they send me to another doctor..... There is definately the "racket" feeling going on and I hate it. I have been to eleven doctors in the last 3 years. Each one wants their own round of tests, and it gets expensive. We have excellent insurance (Bluc Cross/Blue Shield Fed) but even with good insurance it is unbelievable...
Thank you, I am keeping my fingers crossed!

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