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Is Astrology True?
Hey peeps.
I know some of you have a strong opinion on Astrology, either supportive or critical.
Before I publish the video I made, I want to be clear- I don't care what you believe in,
I'll always respect your perspective. But this video, I feel, can provoke some thought.

Thank you for watching,
Love you guys <3

Considering that Babylonian astrology is about a month behind, meaning that you are not actually born in the sign they claim you are born in, then I find it difficult to believe that astrology is correct.


That would have been true if Astrology was actually based on the actualy vernal equinux as it is now today.
Read this article if you want a better explanation: http://www.evolvingdoor.ca/miscarticles/...c-sign.htm

It explains a bit more on what Astrology is based. Unfortunately, most people who research Astrology to debunk it, has little or no knowedlge about it.

"So, when the latest media-hungry astronomer announces that "Your sign isn't what you think it is," they're actually referring to the fact that the Tropical zodiac system is not aligned with the constellations. And this is correct.

The truth is that the constellations themselves are merely a group of fixed stars that happen to be aligned in a certain way from our perspective. As an example, if you stand on the street where you live and look at the trees or buildings across the street, they are positioned a certain way in relation to each other. But if you walk up the street about 2 or 3 houses away and look at those same things, they will be aligned in your line of sight very differently. That tree that looks like it's right next to the house across the street is actually in the next block over, so it will be far away from that house when you look at it from a different location.

When we're talking about the stars, these alignments are called asterisms. All constellations are asterisms—groupings of stars that appear to be close together from our perspective, but to an alien living in a different location in our galaxy, those same stars are likely to appear very differently and not necessarily anywhere near each other.

So in astrology, the constellations themselves are more like a reference point for the synchronous correlations between the movements of the planets and our human behavior and experience. In astronomy, they are a reference system for gauging the positions of celestial objects in the sky, seen solely from the perspective of physical science.

Constellations are also not conveniently spaced 30 degrees apart, the way zodiac signs are in astrology. However, the 360 degrees of the zodiac circle does divide nicely into 12 equal sized segments (the signs), and those 12 signs can be categorized neatly into 4 elements (3 signs each of Fire, Earth, Air and Water) and 3 modalities (4 signs each of Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable) and 2 polarities (6 alternating signs of Masculine/Yang/Positive and Feminine/Yin/Negative). These categories come together to form the system of astrology from which interpretations can be derived in an elegant, relevant and meaningful way.

What astronomers typically don't understand is that the Tropical zodiac is not based on the constellations, as such. Neither are most Sidereal zodiac systems.

It's true that the zodiac signs are named after the constellations, and were aligned to some extent with their corresponding constellations at one time long ago. However, like all systems of knowledge and understanding, the modern astrology system that evolved from these ancient times has moved far beyond its original roots. "

Bowyn Aerrow Wrote:Considering that Babylonian astrology is about a month behind, meaning that you are not actually born in the sign they claim you are born in, then I find it difficult to believe that astrology is correct.


exactly! astrology has already proven to be incorrect by astronomy.

you're gonna have to count back the signs if you want to make a claim astrology has any validity at all. but nobody does it, and astrological signs are still assigned as if you were born a couple of thousand years ago! it's 2014 CE already. which only goes to show it's purely a belief system with no validity at all. people believe what they want to believe.

I still won't consider Astrology science, but it has little to do with Astronomy. Doesn't mean it doesn't work.

I honestly don't know if it is true or not because I can't quite figure out why it should be true ...but I am completely open to it having some kind of relevance.....

I also don't dismiss things simply because they aren't "proven"...most things that we know to be true now had to be proven once upon a time and just because no one had proven them yet didn't mean they weren't true before they were proven. The world didn't BECOME round. On the same token....just because a lot of people believe in something doesn't make it true.....

So there you go....

I initially started using astrology as a cheat sheet....seriously...I would ask people their signs because I could not remember anyone's name and in my job I met soooooo many people daily and to this day I have a problem with names...but I CAN remember one of twelve signs LOL...and it got me off the hook and saved me lots of times before I learned their names....

Then I had my chart done by someone and I felt like he spied on me....it was eerily accurate..

I also figured out that all the men I was attracted to romantically were Aries. ...all of them. Of course...it definitely could be a coincidence....I am fine either way with it....

For sex...any sign will do LOL

I do love my astrologer but I think his advice is anecdotal for everyone and anyone whether you believe in astrology or not...and I love his use of metaphors....and I like his wit and humor...

...but then again...he is eerily spot on with the exact advice or insight I need that week....most of the time anyway ...and I read all of them but the one that applies to me is always Leo....hmmm....

So...a definite MAYBE from me:biggrin:

SO...let me ask you this....

Here is his column this week...can you relate?

Aries (March 21-April 19)
Lord Byron (1788-1824) was an English poet who loved animals. In the course of his life, he not only had dogs and cats as pets, but also monkeys, horses, peacocks, geese, a crocodile, a falcon, a crane, and a parrot. When he enrolled in Trinity College at age 17, he was upset that the school's rules forbade students from having pet dogs, which meant he couldn't bring his adored Newfoundland dog Boatswain. There was no regulation, however, against having a tame bear as a pet. So Byron got one and named it Bruin. I think it's time for you to find a workaround like that, Aries. Be cunning. Try a gambit or two. Find a loophole.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Whenever I lost one of my baby teeth as a kid, I put it under my pillow before I went to sleep. During the night, the Tooth Fairy sneaked into my room to snatch the tooth, and in its place left me 25 cents. The same crazy thing happened to every kid I knew, although for unknown reasons my friend John always got five dollars for each of his teeth -- far more than the rest of us. I see a metaphorically comparable development in your life, Taurus. It probably won't involve teeth or a visit from the Tooth Fairy. Rather, you will finally be compensated for a loss or deprivation or disappearance that you experienced in the past. I expect the restitution will be generous, too -- more like John's than mine.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Through the scientific magic of grafting, a single tree can be altered to grow several different kinds of fruit at the same time. One type of "fruit salad tree" produces apricots, nectarines, plums, and peaches, while another bears grapefruits, lemons, oranges, limes, and tangelos. I'm thinking this might be an apt and inspiring symbol for you in the coming months, Gemini. What multiple blooms will you create on your own metaphorical version of a fruit salad tree?

Cancer (June 21-July 22)
No other structure on the planet is longer than the Great Wall of China, which stretches 3,945 miles. It's not actually one unbroken span, though. Some sections aren't connected, and there are redundant branches that are roughly parallel to the main structure. It reminds me of your own personal Great Wall, which is monumental yet permeable, strong in some ways but weak in others, daunting to the casual observer but less so to those who take the time to study it. Now is an excellent time to take inventory of that wall of yours. Is it serving you well? Is it keeping out the influences you don't want but allowing in the influences you do want? Could it use some renovation? Are you willing to reimagine what its purpose is and how you want it to work for you in the future?

Leo (July 23-August 22)
The Arctic Monkeys are British rockers who have produced five studio albums, which together have sold almost five million copies. Rolling Stone magazine called their first album, released in 2006, the 30th greatest debut of all time. Yet when they first formed in 2002, none of them could play a musical instrument. I see the current era of your life, Leo, as having a similar potential. How might you start from scratch to create something great?

Virgo (August 23-September 22)
Alan Turing (1912-1954) was a British mathematician and pioneering computer scientist. After World War II broke out, he got worried that the German army might invade and occupy England, as it had done to France. To protect his financial assets, he converted everything he owned into bars of silver, then buried them underground in the countryside north of London. When the war ended, he decided it was safe to dig up his fortune. Unfortunately, he couldn't recall where he had put it, and never did find it. Let's draw a lesson from his experience, Virgo. It's fine if you want to stash a treasure or protect a secret or safeguard a resource. That's probably a sensible thing to do right now. But make sure you remember every detail about why and how you're doing it.

Libra (September 23-October 22)
Even if you are not formally enrolled in a course of study or a training program, you are nevertheless being schooled. Maybe you're not fully conscious of what you have been learning. Maybe your teachers are disguised or unwitting. But I assure you that the universe has been dropping some intense new knowledge on you. The coming week will be an excellent time to become more conscious of the lessons you have been absorbing. If you have intuitions about where this educational drama should go next, be proactive about making that happen.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
You now have a special ability to detect transformations that are happening below the threshold of everyone else's awareness. Anything that has been hidden or unknown will reveal itself to your gentle probes. You will also be skilled at communicating your discoveries to people who are important to you. Take full advantage of these superpowers. Don't underestimate how pivotal a role you can play as a teacher, guide, and catalyst. The future success of your collaborative efforts depends on your next moves

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)
Harper Lee was born and raised in Alabama. At the age of 23, she relocated to New York City with hopes of becoming a writer. It was a struggle. To support herself, she worked as a ticket agent for airline companies. Finding the time to develop her craft was difficult. Seven years went by. Then one Christmas, two friends gave her a remarkable gift: enough money to quit her job and work on her writing for a year. During that grace period, Lee created the basics for a book that won her a Pulitzer Prize: To Kill a Mockingbird. I don't foresee anything quite as dramatic for you in the coming months, Sagittarius. But I do suspect you will receive unexpected help that provides you with the slack and spaciousness you need to lay the foundations for a future creation.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
In the ancient Greek epic poem the Odyssey, Odysseus's wife Penelope describes two kinds of dreams. "Those that that pass through the gate of ivory," she says, are deceptive. But dreams that "come forth through the gate of polished horn" tell the truth. Another ancient text echoes these ideas. In his poem the Aeneid, Virgil says that "true visions" arrive here from the land of dreams through the gate of horn, whereas "deluding lies" cross over through the gate of ivory. Judging from the current astrological omens, Capricorn, I expect you will have interesting and intense dreams flowing through both the gate of ivory and the gate of horn. Will you be able to tell the difference? Trust love.

Aquarius (January 20- February 18)
Your chances of going viral are better than usual. It's a perfect moment to upload a Youtube video of yourself wearing a crown of black roses and a V for Vendetta mask as you ride a unicycle inside a church and sing an uptempo parody version of "O Come All Ye Faithful." It's also a favorable time for you to create a buzz for you and your pet causes through less spectacular measures. Promote yourself imaginatively.

Pisces (February 19-March 18)
At age 80, author Joan Didion has published five novels, ten works of non-fiction, and five screenplays. When she was 27, she wrote, "I have already lost touch with a couple of people I used to be." That wasn't a good thing, she added: "We are well-advised to keep on nodding terms with the people we used to be, whether we find them attractive company or not. Otherwise they turn up unannounced and surprise us, come hammering on the mind's door and demand to know who deserted them, who betrayed them, who is going to make amends." I recommend her counsel to you in the coming months, Pisces. Get reacquainted with the old selves you have outgrown and abandoned.

Plus, I have a feeling you haven't really wathced the video or read the article Tongue

East, I love your attitude. Smile
By the way, Most people think Astrology is only horoscopes, but fail to realize it's deeper Wink

DreamMaker Wrote:East, I love your attitude. Smile
By the way, Most people think Astrology is only horoscopes, but fail to realize it's deeper Wink

I liked your video...you are very interesting and engaging...

Thanks East Smile

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