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Anyone else have any insight....
...that might help me stop from going off on the Paypal people this morning?

I did my usual "walk away and wait til you are calm thing" but it hasn't done much good because this happened last Sunday.,..and now it is Saturday...grrrrrrr......I am still not calm

Here's the thing...I already KNOW what the internet and most of the "perks" are about...we are lab rats and each of us have a consumer profile that gets more intricate as time goes along.....

...and I am OK with that...I get it...nothing is free....

So....the mobile paypal app and card reader shows me a new thing when I swipe a card last Sunday asking me to reveal my location....

Uh...OK...I guess. They say it is for the protection of the merchant and the consumer. I don't believe them...I know it is bullshit....but there is so much necessary bullshit daily that you gotta decide what is acceptable and what isn't...and so I grudgingly agreed to the location thing....

...and then......the next window opens....


Google has to install a GPS on your iPhone and get this..the part I said was bullshit before!!!!! I didn't have to wait long to find out how right I was. As part of their "safety program" LOL....Google tells me that once the GPS is installed it will constantly monitor me 24/7 USING MY DATA AND MY MINUTES to do so! It is the next level of consumer profiling...matching your locations and spending habits....but they fucking want me to pay for it??????

I don't want a GPS from google on my phone tracking me....period.....

So...before I call and go off on them...is there anything you can add?...subtract?....anything I am missing?

I am very angry at the moment and I can spit nails when that happens which is why I walk away til I am calm...but a week is long enough and it looks like the calm thing didn't work....

Eventually the consumers will revolt.....but what is taking everyone so long?

Which isn't to say that the NSA isn't already tracking everyone 24/7 anyway......so why would one more intrusion by Google (the new name for Spectre) be all that troubling.

The only thing I can say is that when you call this morning....you aren't going off on Google or Paypal...you will be yelling at a low level functionary in New Delhi who is recording your call and really doesn't give a shit.....so even when you're done...you won't feel satisfied and you won't have changed their policy.

The only thing that will change the game is when consumers stop using products and services. (Full disclosure...I do not use Paypal).

Good luck with making a stand!!!!![Image: knight-on-white-stallion.jpg]

...and now...I find this.....

I am trying to find something to temper my inquiry but instead it is getting worse....


I guess maybe I can go with plan b and see if I can get an independent card reader who will be happy with their percentage versus selling my location info as I have both a BofA Merchant Account and a Paypal Merchant Account...and I am hoping that one will maybe hook me up without the need for my location..I have never even checked with BofA for any mobile apps....

Hmmmm (thinking out loud now)

Rareboy Wrote:Eventually the consumers will revolt.....but what is taking everyone so long?

Which isn't to say that the NSA isn't already tracking everyone 24/7 anyway......so why would one more intrusion by Google (the new name for Spectre) be all that troubling.

The only thing I can say is that when you call this morning....you aren't going off on Google or Paypal...you will be yelling at a low level functionary in New Delhi who is recording your call and really doesn't give a shit.....so even when you're done...you won't feel satisfied and you won't have changed their policy.
The only thing that will change the game is when consumers stop using products and services. (Full disclosure...I do not use Paypal).

Good luck with making a stand!!!!![Image: knight-on-white-stallion.jpg]

THAT is actually a very good thing to remind me of Rareboy...so thanks!!!!

I can be a relentless and very tough bastard when I decide to pick a battle...and I have already decided to pick this one...so it is a good thing to remember that...

I don't usually bark...I just bite.

East Glad you warned me about that... I'm not paranoid about that crap but I do know how to get around some of that. The phone number I give out over the internet is an anonymous prepaid one. There will be hell to pay if I start getting texts from Google or anyone else on my iphone. What business do they ave tracking anyone by location anyway?


have spoken with Paypal a couple of times now...a few minutes ago was the last time...and I am going to now uninstall and reinstall the app to see if I can lose part two of this request.

In my calm state (and I must say I am fucking proud of myself...I handled this much better than I would have thought)...I have accepted that it is for the the benefit of the merchant and the customer and the financial institution (paypal/card issuers) with a mobile payment to have the location ID as part of a transaction as chargebacks and fraud cost the industry billions and this insures a much safer transaction for many reasons I can easily understand....


THAT was part one...and I am cool with that. Now for part two. After I reinstall the app momentarily and go through the steps I will capture the screen of the second request from google and send it to paypal who is unaware of the problem...or at least the two people I have spoken with as individuals were unaware.,..and then I will call google.

The Headquarters for both Google and Paypal are local for me (Silicon Valley)...and so far with paypal I got to talk to someone in the US who I can understand and everytime so far over the years for various problems it has been the same...never had to call google before. Hopefully it will be the same...

Both ladies at paypal have suggested I turn the location ID off after each location and on before each location where I will accept credit cards...but google wants more. I won't agree to their 24/7 location monitoring using my minutes and data....I wont agree to it for any reason...

If they want a marketing profile...they can pay for it themselves and never with my consent....not to mention google and their privacy bullshit with the government. No worries about paranoia...we already KNOW what they will do with the data. It doesn't matter that I am not doing anything wrong...invasion of privacy on such a level is unacceptable and I think people need to stand up and say something...and that is exactly what I am going to do.

Wish me luck

Good for you for standing up to this big brother invasive bull $#!t. I find what companies and government doing deplorable. Even more deplorable is that there aren't riots in the streets with pitchforks and torches from the mindless flocks walking in front of traffic so engrossed in their smartphones they don't care who is eavesdropping on them.

i fully understand your rage East. that is total bullshit. i dislike Google, by the way, and what it has become. and i haven't even had to endure what you are enduring. but i want to assure you that you're in the right here. they don't have the right to do that, and they shouldn't assume such a right by default (which they are doing). and the fact that a person has to go through all this trouble just to opt out of their crap is complete backwards logic.

unfortunately i don't know that i have any insight on how to deal with them. they're a huge establishment, and one single consumer's opinion won't make them change anything if thousands of others just go along with it. they keep earning their profits and that's what matters to them.

i hope you can make it work. i have no experience communicating with Google directly and have no idea what they're like.

my solution to these types of things is just to completely opt out of using whatever it is i'm having a problem with. i will absolutely not compromise on things that are of essential nature to me.

just know you're not alone on this:

EU vs Google

Apple, Microsoft, and Facebook against Google

i'm no fan of Facebook, but i hope Google gets effing crippled. i have my reasons to dislike them this much.

the first thing I do when I get a mobile device is turn off the location tracking and if any app requires it then I get rid of it, and I turn off the mobile internet unless I want to use it. as far as who to bitch at, I've always seen the best results when the corporate office is contacted.
[Image: google-is-skynet.jpg]
[Image: tumblr_n60lwfr0nK1tvauwuo2_250.gif]

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