okay, title is a little exaggeration, there's no sex here. (sorry). but there is a guy sniffing another guy's butt in there, so i thought the title would apply.
some guys made a video on what it'd be like if people acted like dogs and cats. it's quite accurate and really funny. i found it entertaining.
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
i don't know if the youtube embedding works, so here's the link:
Yes, it is funny. I liked how the cat got on the bed and annoyed it's owner early in the morning saying they were out of cereal, then got down. So like a cat.
hahahahhhahaa! YES!!! That's a lot how mine are... Except my 2 labs are sisters who take everything I do personally. If I yell about smashing my finger with a hammer they think it's their fault. My 2 cats are male Maine coon cats.... they have the personalities of gay bears --- friendly to everyone until they've been pissed off.
I found dog and cats 2... just as funny as the 1st one
meridannight Wrote:okay, title is a little exaggeration, there's no sex here. (sorry). but there is a guy sniffing another guy's butt in there, so i thought the title would apply.
some guys made a video on what it'd be like if people acted like dogs and cats. it's quite accurate and really funny. i found it entertaining.
" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen>
i don't know if the youtube embedding works, so here's the link:
You just take the code that usually (always?) follows "v=" in a YouTube URL and you paste that into your post, then highlight it with the mouse and click the YouTube button at the top of the advanced editor, which will put the YouTube tags around that code. The code in your post is: GbycvPwr1Wg.
If there was an ampersand at the end of it and more stuff after the code in the URL, you would ignore the ampersand and everything after.