01-11-2015, 05:50 AM
Hi, Im G. I'm 21 I am a junior at a university in FL, I pretty much have no hobbies or friends. I just want some virtual friends at least
. Im pretty cool once you get to know me. Just want to know if anyone is going through what I am. I have lied to everyone about my sexuality. Now that I am comfty with that fact that I AM GAY. I feel so ashamed that my ex gf will find out I felt like I loved her. I was in love with the idea of being with her but not in love with her if that makes sense. Also my family idk what they will think. I don't know if I should just keep on playing it straight. I've led so many girls on wight he hope of starting a family. But I can't, when i get my BSBA I just want to move far and start all over.
I just have such a big family and I am the first gay of my family my entire family, and I know I'll cause so much shame to the rents ;( But thats enough about me. Tell me about you :cat smiley: P.S It was a high step for me to put a real pic of me on here