So...preface...I talk to spirits...always is normal for me....and all spirits are are souls that no longer have a body and it is pretty much the same for me as if I am talking to someone in front of me where I can see them. I used to think I was crazy like all people like me think ...kinda like when you are gay and don't want to be and think there is something wrong with you initially and people who think they know you better than you know yourself insist it is a choice...but in my early 20s I realized that I knew what I was doing and didn't care if anyone else believed it or I "came out" and shared all kinds of stuff with pretty much everyone around me...
Which ends up being the funniest part of the story in the end...the punch line.... and totally unplanned
One day when I was at home by myself late at night this guy comes to me. I am familiar with all kinds of visits but this one was different and I was kind of excited...usually I am reluctant...and bothered.... as I am usually doing something else when it happens. I was talking to him like an old friend I hadn't seen and the connection was immediate. I also noticed there was something different...and I realized I was talking to someone's soul who was still in a living body...whooaaa.....
Of course it is not THAT weird...I have done it when the person was in front of me and their soul was in their body but it never occurred to me that I would "meet" someone this way. He was also very verbal and he told me that he was my soulmate and we were meant to meet but not at this time as he had to get some other stuff out of the way but he didn't want me to make the move which I was contemplating...I was very fascinated by the whole encounter and couldn't wait to tell my friends....
...and so I told them...and I knew a lot of people. I think probably at least 100 people were in on it and half were waiting for a daily update which of course I didn't have. Sometimes I would see him many times in one week...sometimes not at all for a few weeks. I was really happy everytime he came to see me and I felt like I was "home" when I talked to him...first time THAT ever happened in my entire life. I never really feel like I truly belong anywhere and completely fit in (for obvious reasons now...LOL) it was the first time I felt like I belonged somewhere.....
My "adventure" also provided great conversation when I was bartending and the people who thougth I was crazy were funny as fuck...I was not only laughing with them...I was laughing harder than anyone else
...and I did tell them every detail...these encounters lasted over a year...can't remember now how long but under two years and over one...closer to two...
I found out his name...birthday...truck he drove...I knew when he had an accident and his truck rolled over...and I told everyone all of these things so they all knew it too. If I was would have been very public...again it never occured to me as I kinda figured I was just "out there" as I thought I might be crazy anyway and they thought so too for the most part and we all made jokes about my "mystery man" ...and I already had the nickname "Mother Abigail" from The Stand which took on new dimensions with this guy and my adventure with him.....
...and so one night when I was painting my bathroom he told me it was time to meet...I hadn't really heard from him for a little while and it was weird because I was kinda arguing with him that I wanted to finish painting but he was very adamant and insisted I leave the house and go to meet him. Well...I had to confront the fact that I might REALLY BE CRAZY but I am kinda fearless that way and I said FUCK IT...if I am...I am...and so I called my closest friends BEFORE I left that night real quick and off I went. Telling them beforehand was the best part.....
He wouldn't even tell me where to go. He said I would know..WTF!!!!! We had our first fight before we actually met in person. So I went to this one place and knew right away it was wrong and so I thought about going to Palo Alto to this punk rock bar I used to love going to but the thing is with these kinds of soul based have to get your mind
completely out of the way and I know that very well though I don't automatically pay attention to everything I know...who does?...but I was still going to go to Palo Alto when I turned off and went to this club in Downtown San Jose I never went to...hated was huge and not my style...too many guys who didn't sweat because they didn't want to mess up their hair LOL... but the minute I went in the door I could feel him...I know what he felt like of can feel people's souls and they are all unique so it is actually easier to recognize than when you look at someone..for me anyway....
...and I started shaking a bit and went and stood in the dark on the far end of the dance floor. This place was huge and had many rooms...and I didn't even see him coming which was weird but all of a sudden this guy was standing next to me with his hand out and he said " name is Dave"...I couldn't even speak...I was trembling really bad at that point...
I made out with him all night in his truck...and have spent every day together since. 30 years this year. We are perfectly matched....can't even begin to tell you how well we fit together....
It was funny when I introduced him to everyone because they all knew everything I I had my PROOF...and did they. I wasn't telling them for "proof" but when it happened and they found out everything I said was true...and I had the name/birthday/truck/accident
exactly right...with sooooo many witnesses which later became the funny part for me....they started treating me a little different which I didn't like so much so I started keeping my spiritual journey stuff to myself after that for the most part. I realized that I would rather have people doubt me because you have a lot more freedom that way.....
I just tell people I am "way off in left field" mostly nowadays and leave it at that.
Now you know why
It's funny though....I have no problem telling people in person how we met if I am in the mood though I don't usually volunteer it. Earlier this month I met this beautiful woman from Lebanon (and I thought about BlueStar actually) and we got kinda chummy over the course of the day and we connected/bonded...and so she asked me how we met..and I told her.
Afterward she said to me..OMG...I am so glad I asked...thank you...we will see her again next month.....
The reason I mention that...most people are not glad they asked :eek:

and are uncomfortable because they think I am crazy...LOL...but it is a true story and it is exactly how we met so I either tell the truth...or I don't say anything...
...and there you have it. How we met.