For the part three days I have had a bad headache. I am on Topamax 75 mg and Imitrex 100 mg. I can only take a maximum of 2 Imitrex a day. It's not working and my neurologist didn't help either when I called (all she said to do is repeat the Imitrex once a day after a couple of hours if the first didn't work). It sucks. I visited my regular doctor today and she said I didn't seem to have any infections, but if things get worse to go back to her Monday or if really bad, go to the ER. Anyone else had something like this? What the hell do I do?
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Avoid stress. Call in sick if you have to. Try to eat lightly. Do your best to relax in a cool dark room. Make sure you are well hydrated. You might try cool or warm compresses over the eyes and forehead or at the back of your neck, whichever gives relief. Avoid noise and any unwelcome sound.
If it doesn't pass, or maybe even if it does, get yourself to the neurologist in person and RAISE HELL until you feel it has been thoroughly checked out.
I just lost a good friend to brain cancer. She had migraines, too. I don't mean to scare you, but remember, your health is your concern before it is anyone else's.
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01-29-2015, 05:02 AM
(Edited 01-29-2015, 05:27 AM by meridannight.)
if it's really bad, go to the ER.
you're not gonna figure this out on your own, and none of us on the internet will either. do what your doctor told you to do, and if you can't take it, go to the ER.
Try massaging your forehead and/or getting your neck and shoulders massaged.
From where nose meets brow to top of forehead. Just one or two fingers.
Do you have migranes regularly?
I ask because I'm wondering if a regular analgesic would do the trick.
Also, topomax is for prevention. It does nothing to treat what's already going on. I'd get a second opinion on your drugs after getting thoroughly checked.
If it is just a 'regular' migraine...I also tie a silk band tightly around my head with knots at the temples.
Then I lie in a pitch black room after taking an antihistamine and tylenol 3 and ride along with the pain. The tight band at the temples overrides the headache pain.
This works for me every time.
But after 3 days...if the pain is debilitating, even I would hit the ER now to make sure that it isn't a possible CVA or something else.
Keep seeking medical help until you get the response and treatment you need, do not suffer needlessly.