03-03-2015, 06:32 AM
I was bored, so I decided to start a new topic. In this topic, post 5 things that are on your bucket list and why. Maybe you'll find something else to add onto it. 
Here is mine:
1-Visit Japan. I would love to travel more (or any, lol). The one place I would really love to see is Japan. I've always liked Japanese stuff and the idea is to rent a place in Tokyo and explore on my own. Going to the shops and drinking bad coffee from a vending machine just because I can.
2-Write a Book. I enjoy writing and I have started to write a book, but it is a long process as I have to be in a specific mood to write and I have a hard time writing when I am tired from work. But I hope it to be finished by the time I keel over.
3-Make a Game. Similar to the book, this one is more ambitious. I know programming but am a terrible artist. I am making a game using RPG Maker, not a real gaming platform, I know. But I figure it is getting me experience in the mindset of creating a full fledged game.
4-Skydiving. I am afraid of heights and of falling. I want to skydive, not to skydive, but instead to brag that I did it. One of those face your fear type things.
5-Get married. I know it is cheesy, but I don't care. I've wanted the family life for as long as I could remember.
Anyway, your turn.

Here is mine:
1-Visit Japan. I would love to travel more (or any, lol). The one place I would really love to see is Japan. I've always liked Japanese stuff and the idea is to rent a place in Tokyo and explore on my own. Going to the shops and drinking bad coffee from a vending machine just because I can.
2-Write a Book. I enjoy writing and I have started to write a book, but it is a long process as I have to be in a specific mood to write and I have a hard time writing when I am tired from work. But I hope it to be finished by the time I keel over.
3-Make a Game. Similar to the book, this one is more ambitious. I know programming but am a terrible artist. I am making a game using RPG Maker, not a real gaming platform, I know. But I figure it is getting me experience in the mindset of creating a full fledged game.
4-Skydiving. I am afraid of heights and of falling. I want to skydive, not to skydive, but instead to brag that I did it. One of those face your fear type things.
5-Get married. I know it is cheesy, but I don't care. I've wanted the family life for as long as I could remember.
Anyway, your turn.