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Quote:your mother doesn't sound such a great person. that was a cheap shot to pull. what the hell is the matter with her?
Well I made her angry that day... and I guess people don't always control what they say in a moment of rage.
Your mom's in the wrong for saying what she did in the way that she said it. If it was such a problem, she should've had an abortion.... This angers me greatly. Who is she to give you a guilt trip!? That's so fucked up beyond comparison.... You had no choice in the matter. Fuck her for placing that baggage on you. Total bullshit!!
I give 0 fucks about how angry she was regarding whatever petty fight occurred between you too.... for her to say that you should be grateful you weren't aborted because you are the product of a rape.... fuck her!!!!
I'd shit on her grave if you gave me the address when that day comes when she dies, and you are entitled to do so yourself when it does!
Utter toxic bullshit.... fuck her!
Don't let it get you down, as you are not responsible for her choices or traumas in her life.
You were born, and life is fucking beautiful, no matter how you came onto this earth! REMEMBER THAT! Don't you dare let her take that away from you!!!
Her selfishness is beyond excusable. That's reason enough for me to cut someone, including my own mother out of my life. Fuck her!
On Law and Order SVU ..the female lead (Sgt Olivia Benson played by Mariska Hargitay) is a child of rape...and although it is fictional...the references are probably more real than not and some of the things she goes through and has to deal with are tough to watch sometimes...
I don't know if that can ever help you but it might as time goes is referenced quite alot and there are many of the stories over the years with that at the forefront of the story...and s few centered around that in particular..and they talk about all of the things you brought up...
As for what you mom said...well...she crossed a line she should have never crossed,,,,and I know that she knows that...and she cannot take it back.
If you can...remember that rape is always about power and control...never about sex...or DNA...
You need to talk this out with her though because now that she has put it in your lap...she owes you as much time as it takes to talk about it....
What she made was a CHOICE years ago...and that is OK...whatever choice she was hers and hers it should be.... are not a are a person....and she made another "choice" when she told you what she did.
I agree with MikeW...I do believe your mom cares for you despite of you being conceived from a horrible situation and I'm sure that if she had any hate in her heart for you that she would have gotten an abortion when she found out that she was pregnant with you. Although my story is different from yours, but I was raped 8 years ago by someone whom I had considered to be a very close friend. I was drugged to the degree of where I was not able to defend myself and when I awakened the next day, my whole body had black and blue marks with a lot of blood and my lungs and kidneys had collapsed at the same time. Not to go into further details, the doctors had contacted my family because they knew that I was going to die while on the operating table. However, after four surgeries, and a little over two years of therapy, I had reached some normalcy in my life again. Although, at times, I still have struggles with the memory of what had happened as well as a few setbacks, I did receive my Masters' Degree two years ago and I am beginning to date again, but I am very cautious of whom I bring into my private circle. Enough about me...I wish you the best and just believe that although I'm sure your mom have flashbacks of that time, I know that at the end of the day, you are the best thing that came out of that horrible situation.
Surely, it was not the best thing to share. However, think about how difficult it would have been for your mother over all these years. I am sure both of you love each other a lot. Everything will be fine..
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You did come here to vent, which is a great place to do it, and get a little advice, Love yourself, love your Mom for making the right choice in raising you, love life and become everything that your potential can make you, Jim
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Thanks, guys. Your support means a lot to me.