I much prefer fingers to feathers whenn it comes to tickling a guy or being tickled.
If I do it...it is normal.
If you do it, it is a kink or fetish.
Posts: 4,635
Threads: 45
Joined: May 2014
I'm a : Single Gay Man
Vanilla, hell. I'll go for butterscotch any day.
As per the sentiments of my learned friend to the North, what you call it is up to you. How I enjoy it is up to me.
I bid NO Trump!
I just thought of something else associated with that now....
I guess it would be partly fetish...and most people thought it was very strange (I know because they told me LOL)...but I HATE HATE HATE compliments about my looks/appearance. The minute someone said anything...the one thing that went through my mind is "great...we are never gonna fuck now"...and it is solid as steel ...case closed...
Some people thought I had a lack of self esteem...LOL...maybe I do - who doesn't? ...but it isn't about that...
The reason why...it is definitely part of my fetish. IF you focus on my appearance...you will not be able to get to the animal part of your nature....and so we are not a sexual match. I never wanted to be "good looking" or "hot" to anyone...same with "ugly looking"...I want to be a great fuck...and I can't be that if I have to be objectified first. If someone said I was sexy that was OK provided it was something to do with my behavior....
...and all of this is part of my fetish....nothing to do with self esteem one way or the other...