05-11-2015, 06:03 PM
I've been saying since joining the forum how I look forward to MikeW's responses...a lot of knowledge and wisdom that man exudes...However, Dattiv...I can relate to what you've mentioned in your post. I do not look or make attempts to pursue relationships on the Internet...and yet for some reason over the past few months..these are the guys that I've been approached by. I just really like chatting and helping if I can resolve any issues that someone may be dealing with that I can give my perspective on especially if I have already endure them as well as hopefully obtaining a chat buddy. The last two guys that I have met on the Internet wasted no time approaching me sexually and what really annoyed me about them was that they lived in another state thousands of miles away. I always get paranoid with guys like that and they get very annoyed with me when I'm not either chasing after them sexually or talking just general conversation in order to establish some kind of connection with them that is not sex. One guy would not contact me even if he saw me online...one day..I just contacted him to say "Hello" and he responded with how happy he was that I finally contacted him and that he loves and prefer if I make contact with him instead of him making initial contact with me. I also had a best friend who was killed by a guy he met online that lived in another state and he had accepted the guy's invitation to spend a weekend here with him. Unfortunately...this guy killed him in his home and I found him strangled from the ceiling butt naked with the music blaring. This is something that I will never forget and its also something that have made me very cautious about whom I bring into my personal environment such as my home, etc. Now..I'm not saying all guys are like this but yet...if my "red flags" go off on something that has been said to me or an approach that is being made towards me in a peculiar way...then it is what it is and I put up my guards so to speak. Therefore, don't feel bad...I think things happens for a reason and that is not the person for you and something better will come along...take care..JS