08-17-2015, 08:59 AM

Whilst I should be able to move into my new place Wednesday - that actually depends on what my cardiologist says on Wednesday.
Also, I have the bones of a 90 year old man...
11 August 2015, a fine Tuesday afternoon I listened to my doctor explain to me that she has never seen the bone density of a 49 year old man as low as mine. Then she started to list thing things I cannot do anymore at risk of doing more damage to my back and or falling and breaking something expensive like a hip.
Currently the drug therapies for rebuilding bone for osteopenia are great for long bones, but apparently with as much wear, tear and damage done to my spine, any attempt to use such medications will result in wrecking that thing called a spinal cord - you know that rope of nerves which apparently are needed if you want to do things like breath, walk, live.
My liver is at the point where it cannot handle the contrast needed for the head cat scan she wants to do. So she has changed a number of my prescriptions in order to reduce stress on the liver.
I have a cardiologist appointment next Wednesday the 19th. Between then and now I have been advised to "take it easy" - look if I took it any easier I would be lying in a box about 6 feet under the soil.
Doctor wants to wait until cardiology signs off (okays) a few things before starting me on higher doses of vitamin D, C and minerals like calcium. Also passing three "stones" through the urinary tract has lead to my doctor being careful about throwing more minerals at me if my bones or body is not going to absorb them.
When cardiology signs off on my heart being able to take whatever, 6 months of high vitamins and minerals THEN I get sent to a bone specialist who will undoubtedly tell me there is no 'fixing' whatever ails my bones, but only taking measures to slow down the degradation of my spine, and hopefully keeping me those few 0.0 points above osteoporosis.
On the bright side I am now taking 50 MG of OxyContin (oxycodone) a day, 30 MG is equal to a dose of heroin. Yay. Mind this is the "starting dose". Doctor is going to increase the dosage over time until we find a therapeutic level - meaning a level which will reduce the pain to a manageable level.
Amongst the things doctor has warned me about is sex, apparently my bone density is such that simple sex can crack or even break my pelvis.

On the bright side, by this time next week I shall be living in my own hovel, unless the cardiologist decides that I need to be in hospital instead. In which case my hovel moving won't be until September or October....
Which me luck - I'm going to need it.
On a brighter side, I could make 50 dollars a day just selling my pain pills on the street. That comes to $1,500 a month... $18,000 a year for a few hours a week work, heck not even that much since once it gets out that I'm on heavy narcotics no doubt every junky will line up and beg me to sell him/her some.
So in a way I could become very rich in a very short time. :eek:
Well if you have ever wondered just how much pain I am in, perhaps this should give you a good clue as to exactly how much I hurt all the time....