01-15-2009, 08:46 PM
Basically, me and this guy have tried a relationship with each other 3 times now. First time i got freaked out by the whole Gay experience, which he understood. A bit later, we tried it again and we took things slow and didn't do anything until like the 7/8th meet? But again, i got freaked out.
Third time, we met up once but then between us agreed not to take it further...
Just before Christmas, he emailed me after about a month not speaking and said he has been thinking about me alot etc. I replied and on his 4th? email, he told me to delete him from everything because its too hard for him to get over me. I said if thats what he wants, then its fine.
Anyway, after about 2 weeks, I have started thinking about him again! Everyday the thought goes through my head. Ive tried just looking at his profiles on some websites, but he has blocked me on them and is never online (obviously blocked me there too).
We have so much history between us. I just miss our general chats more than anything! I think the only thing thats holding me back from contacting him, is being rejected etc. Another reason why i dont want to contact him, is because he is from Isle Of Wight, which isnt hard to get to as such, but its annoying at times. If i wanted to be with him, i possibly wouldnt be able to, whereas if he was over here, i could just meet up with him or something?
... But yea, do you think i should try contacting him again? Or would it just be best for both of us to move on?
Thanks guys
Basically, me and this guy have tried a relationship with each other 3 times now. First time i got freaked out by the whole Gay experience, which he understood. A bit later, we tried it again and we took things slow and didn't do anything until like the 7/8th meet? But again, i got freaked out.
Third time, we met up once but then between us agreed not to take it further...
Just before Christmas, he emailed me after about a month not speaking and said he has been thinking about me alot etc. I replied and on his 4th? email, he told me to delete him from everything because its too hard for him to get over me. I said if thats what he wants, then its fine.
Anyway, after about 2 weeks, I have started thinking about him again! Everyday the thought goes through my head. Ive tried just looking at his profiles on some websites, but he has blocked me on them and is never online (obviously blocked me there too).
We have so much history between us. I just miss our general chats more than anything! I think the only thing thats holding me back from contacting him, is being rejected etc. Another reason why i dont want to contact him, is because he is from Isle Of Wight, which isnt hard to get to as such, but its annoying at times. If i wanted to be with him, i possibly wouldnt be able to, whereas if he was over here, i could just meet up with him or something?
... But yea, do you think i should try contacting him again? Or would it just be best for both of us to move on?
Thanks guys