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The Answers to All of Life's Questions
Insertnamehere Wrote:I've observed plenty of peeps that complained to be lonely, whined about not finding anyone ever and then next thing you know they did.

Is constantly complaining you'll never find someone the secret magic that lets you find someone? :eek:

I wouldn't think so. Some people who openly complain about not finding someone are also openly putting themselves out there. By drawing attention to the fact they are single and unhappy about it, they attract a certain attention from others. To have that attitude of being entitled to having a relationship and having love probably pushes them to really seek it out, and maybe even settle for less than their ideals just not to be alone. It shows they haven't given up on it at least.

But what works for one person may not work for another. Some people could complain all their lives I imagine. I dont think it is only the vocalizing of the frustration of being single that gets them into relationships.

East Wrote:I think self pity is the quickest way to fuck your life up. What do you think the quickest way is?...which door would you pick as the worst to enter?

I think the "devil" (and yes...you can define the "devil" any way you like) can own whatever part of you that you don't own.....so what part of you can/does he own. What part fo you is not true to yourself? ...or not authentic? (I know..tough one...but you DID say anything :biggrin: )

...and one more...

Do you think Cookie will take over the Empire Dynasty this season...and do you think we will get a raw for TV gay sex scene on Empire?

When I first read your question, a lot of other things popped into my mind. But when its boiled down, I think a lot of self destructive behaviors do stem from a place of self pity. Just like a lot of destructive behavior can come from self pity, self pity can come from a lot of events and experiences. But if you get stuck in the self pity, that is like a pit of quick sand. So thinking about it like that, I agree with you. Its not the only way, but it does seem to be a very quick way to snowball out of control.

Hmm.. I have a tendency to observe more than I act. I wont always vocalize the things that bother me. It might feel like the best thing to do in the moment to turn a blind eye, but then it will eat at me later that I let it slide. Then I can get resentful of the person or the broader situation, when had I confronted it in the moment, maybe Id feel a more positive way about the solution, or at least the attempt to have addressed it.

I think i sometimes justify that to myself by thinking of myself as a peace keeper, a compromiser, selfless, easy to get along with, and all kinds of other nice words. But in many ways that's self deception. One day I might bite my tongue so hard that it comes off - metaphorically.

Lol... please let us have a raw for tv gay sex scene on Empire this season, dedicate a whole episode to that. In terms of Cookie taking over.. I could see that. Cookie to me is clearly the most capable of everyone else to take it over and to run it. And theres justice in that since she made it, was exiled from it, and then has returned to find she no longer has her high place adjacent to Lucious anymore. I think she has more of a reason and more of drive to want it than any of the other characters do, and even though she has made some failed attempts, I think she is the strongest. But justice is rarely obtained, and empires fall. And that seems to be a below the surface theme in the show.

I don't think Jamal will stay in his position for long. In season 1 I would have said that ultimately it should end up with him, like in the long run.. but they gave it to him too soon, too fast for me to be convinced thats not going to change dramatically and soon. I think he'll be led astray. I don't think Lucious is as safe / healthy as he seems- I feel like he's been dead man walking since the first episode, blatantly or not. Andre is a loose cannon that could cause a lot of destruction... he and his wife have soiled their hands. I might be underestimating Hakeem, but I could see him losing interest in it all, and going off to pursue his own thing. I feel like Cookie could catch it before it all falls, or the whole thing could just end with the empire in ruins.

Miles Wrote:How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, where's the peck of pickled peppers that Peter Piper picked?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

Do you believe in life after love?

Does the carpet match the drapes?

How many fingers am I holding up?

Do you know the muffin man?

Does this dress make my butt look fat?

I could try to estimate the amount of wood a woodchuck could chuck based on their size in relation to animals that do. But the question isnt how much could they chuck, its how much would they chuck. But since they don't chuck wood, they have already adapted to being able to survive without doing that, I doubt a woodchuck would spend much time chucking wood regardless of whether or not it could.

If he has pickled them and the jar is unopened, probably in his pantry. If he has opened the jar, probably in his fridge.



I have window blinds and hard wood floors. Matching the drapes to the carpet sounds a little tacky to me anyway.


I usually buy bagels from him, but there is a guy who sells coffee, muffins, bagels, bialys, and other breakfast pastries from a food cart by one of my jobs and I'm on pretty friendly terms with him.


How to tone down the anxiety/anger that slow people in front me causes without resorting to violence?
[Image: 05onfire1_xp-jumbo-v2.jpg?quality=90&auto=webp]

Insertnamehere Wrote:How to tone down the anxiety/anger that slow people in front me causes without resorting to violence?

I sometimes struggle with this too. I think there can be three ways to handle this.

1 - Think about yourself. Where are you going that you have to get there so fast? Are you being safe? Are you rushing for a reason, or just out of habit. Are they moving too slow or are you attempting to move too fast? What might you notice if you slowed down a bit. Why are you so angry about it?

But sometimes there is a reason why you are moving so fast. And sometimes everyone is moving at a faster pace than this slow person. So rather than thinking about yourself:

2 - Empathize with the slow person. Are they in pain? Are they old, or with a young child? Are they otherwise disabled somehow? Are they lost, confused, uncomfortable? Are they over stimulated? Are they taking in the city - are they a tourist... maybe this is their first time to your city and they are just trying to enjoy it and live in it at that moment? Are they thinking about how rude and rushed the people around them are? Are they actually intentionally trying to ruin your day, make you miss your transfer, get in your way?

And sometimes rather than considering the problem, sometimes it helps to consider the solution.

3 - What can you do about it... Can you say, excuse me and pass them? Can you pass them while "accidentally (relatively gently) bumping them... sometimes that is incredibly satisfying.. Can you change your route? Can you ask if they need directions? Can you make it a game, and try to predict their movement... give yourself points if you can get around them...

On that last note, I've many times had the idea of moving to the midwest somewhere and building a themepark that is all like obstacle courses based off of NYC. There'd be a Times Square one, a Fulton Street in downtown Brooklyn one, a getting on and off the Staten Island Ferry one, and a you have to transfer from the A to the S to the 4, but you only have 2 minutes to get to each train and the stations are all super crowded... People who complete all the obstacle courses in time and do it well get a free ticket to NYC.

Emiliano Wrote:I personally do not believe in life after death. Death is a very scary thing to me and I sometimes wish I did believe, to have that sort of comfort. But that lack of belief does inspire me to really focus on what I am doing in and with my life. :/ Good morning.

Yes. I know several people who identify as bisexual and I trust them when they say that. Even beyond that though, its not inconceivable to me that a person could be attracted to both men and women. Not at all.

Im not sure if its in behavior or thought that the Kinsey Scale measures. In behavior I'm a 6. But I have caught myself checking a woman out, and I've been curious about what it would be like to be with a woman before. I dont mind my gold star, but my identity doesn't revolve around keeping it.

I know you identify as bisexual, so I'd automatically place you as a 3. Im sure it has something to do with being on a site that is mostly filled with gay men, but I feel like I observe you showing off your attraction to men more than your attraction to women. On a website that was majority gay women, you'd have more opportunity and more of an audience to address your attraction to women. So an assumed 3, but a possible 2.

In looking at the Kinsey scale questions, it seems that they are based in thought, not in behavior. Knowing that, does that change your score?
You can take the test here if you haven't yet: http://vistriai.com/kinseyscaletest/
I'm definitely a 2. I am actually not sure if I identify as Bi. I've had sex with several different women and have enjoyed it, but I only fall in love with men. I'm really into m/m sex though.

Jettalove Wrote:In looking at the Kinsey scale questions, it seems that they are based in thought, not in in behavior. Knowing that, does that change your score?
You can take the test here if you haven't yet: http://vistriai.com/kinseyscaletest/
I'm definitely a 2. I am actually not sure if I identify as Bi. I've had sex with several different women and have enjoyed it, but I only fall in love with men. I'm really into m/m sex though.

It doesnt really change my answer, no. I took the test and it put me at a 6 too. I'm really into m/m sex too. Smile

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