10-09-2015, 09:49 PM
Last year, on our 11th anniversary weekend, we were supposed to go to Vermont, Mass. and RI together, along with a friend of ours, part of which was for a conference for our church.
That week, one of our cats, who had been in treatment for feline diabetes, got worse and my BF had to stay home with him. I really had to be at the conference and he insisted we go without him. The cat died that Saturday and we headed home as soon as the event was over so we would be together for our screwed-up anniversary.
Our anniversary is this coming Monday. We have reservations in the Hershey/Lancaster area of Pennsylvania. So guess where my BF is? At the vet with our other cat
She is VERY old and has not really been eating so he doesn't think she's going to be around for long.
He was very attached to the first cat. This one is not affectionate and we were basically stuck with her by my BF's former roommate. She got a little friendlier when the boy cat died, but we most identify with the cat that scratched and tried bite you if you went near her. Thus it will not be a big emotional loss like last time. But it just kicks me in the butt that they both "chose" our anniversary weekend.
That week, one of our cats, who had been in treatment for feline diabetes, got worse and my BF had to stay home with him. I really had to be at the conference and he insisted we go without him. The cat died that Saturday and we headed home as soon as the event was over so we would be together for our screwed-up anniversary.
Our anniversary is this coming Monday. We have reservations in the Hershey/Lancaster area of Pennsylvania. So guess where my BF is? At the vet with our other cat

He was very attached to the first cat. This one is not affectionate and we were basically stuck with her by my BF's former roommate. She got a little friendlier when the boy cat died, but we most identify with the cat that scratched and tried bite you if you went near her. Thus it will not be a big emotional loss like last time. But it just kicks me in the butt that they both "chose" our anniversary weekend.