Oh my god i have an interview with my current boss for a shift lead position. The company doesnt wanna hire me because they dont want to let me grow in house. but hes still running the interview! Which means he's pushing me for it because he wants me to have it, which means i need to really sell myself as an employee! What do i say!?!?!?! I'm not a man of nervousness but this is a moment i hold my breath.....
if i get this.... i can finally secure my financial background to fully come out of the closet without worry of being kicked out! Its why it means so much to me and its why i am so nervous! Please help me!
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I'm a : Single Gay Man
11-12-2015, 12:25 AM
(Edited 11-12-2015, 12:32 AM by Insertnamehere.)
Well, start making a list of your skills, performance, competence in your current work.
Be honest and point some things you are not that good at, but show willingness to improve...and then make yourself one with the place.
Let them know that you understand how important the place and what is does is to you and how you like to be a part of that.
Be professional, and express gratitude for the opportunity to interview but don't gush.
Have a few well thought out questions to ask your boss that shows interest in the growth of the company. Be honest about your abilities and willingness to learn.
I'm curious:
If you are shift leader, how are you going to get the respect of people you once worked with? How would you resolve a problem between coworkers? How do you motivate them?
Good luck! Keep us posted!
it happened.....I've been promoted!
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Being gay is not for Sissies.
Congratulations, Rod! Very happy for you!
Posts: 1,323
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You are climbing the Ladder Of Success. Congratulations!!!!!
How did you celebrate your promotion?