joseph, BEMOFF stands for Best EMO Friend Forever
No one apart from my mum and sister, I do have some mates from home I trust. At Uni I have drinking friends but I don't drink any more so they think I'm boring..
2 good friends i see almost daily and a few online friends im really close too!
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I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
Hey thanx for sharing guys! I've probably got between 5-10 that know me really well. The weird thing is about 3/4 of my friends are Taurus too!

mile: Apparently Tauruses make really good loyal friends...
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well I have lots of friends but I only have 3 best friends, a girl and two boys:
Laura: we are totally the opposite, I am hot, she is cold, she say yes, I say no, she is in, I am out (out... funny!!!); we met in junior high school and was love at first sight, she know when my birthday is and always surprise me with something every year, she is just great, if she where a boy, I will be totally into him-her; there is three things that we love: get totally drunk; sing britney spears songs and sing britney spears songs when we are totally drunk... YEAH.
Christian: OMG, he is just fun, he know how put a smile on my face even if I am depress and trying to kill myself... our friendship last like 3 years, I meet him in junior high school we have no see each other since he move to Tamaulipas last year but we talk by msn and in my first birthday without him I cry because I missed him so much; in compensation he send me like 4 textx and like fifteen e-mails of happy birthday. What we have on common is the love of extreme sports or in my case hobbies; meanwhile he is ridding a bike, I am playing with a rattlesnake; we love adrenaline...
Brandon: is very close to me but I think is because he is into me... (is the guy I talk in other threat); but yeah, as with laura, both like get drunk and as with christian we both love adrenaline but the part of him that I am really connected is with his cultural side... we both love read, write,see tv series and documentals of wildlife; we are very close and I already tell him that I am madly in love with; he is responding... find, not awesome not great just find... but there is a chance that he could be my boyfriend in not too long time... wish me luck with that.
by the way... BEMOFF, that one is original I have never hear about it... hahahaha
XOXO, me
One of my oldest friends, we've known each other for over 30 years and now we're still dancing together after all these years. We met when I was a student.