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If you haven't had Anal Sex, but want too,,,, it's best to read-up on the subject so you have a working knowledge of how it's done properly. All you have to do is type "how to have anal sex" in your favorite internet browser and you'll get all the details on how to do it properly,, thus avoiding a painful & unpleasant experience (hopefully)... .
As for Rimming,,,,,,,,,,,, it may be exciting and feel good to the person receiving a rim job,, but you can catch some pretty nasty diseases from this practice. One of which is Hepatitis... Below is a link that may help:
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I'm not really sure how easy it is to tell if someone is experienced or not, but I would assume he's either figured it out by now, or likes you enough not to care, going by what you've said.
I wouldn't be too worried about what may happen if you told him.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
It would turn me off if a guy actually asked me to give him a rim job, that's just one of those things you don't ask someone to do, they'll do it on their own if they really want to. I'm not even sure I'd want someone asking for a blowjob, every time I've given a bj its been because I wanted to, not because they asked for it.
Insertnamehere Wrote:If he's a good enough guy as he seems to be, he's the type of guy you would not regret having your first time with. So, if you do have someone you feel comfortable with, why would you go and have random sex?
The best ting you can do is tell things like they are. If he has a trouble with you being inexperienced (some people do) big whoop, you find someone who's not (some people are perfectly fine with it).
He sounds ok.
I'm not experienced at all myself and I used to crush on a guy I know who was very clear about not liking inexperienced dudes. No harm done, the world didn't end. Plenty of other people I've known are ok with it.
I absolutely hate when people say that, i went to college and this guy used to say he would never sleep with virgins because they dont know what to do. So he must never have been one for him to get experience.
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Anonymous Wrote:How do you know how to do sexual things that you have never done before?
Trust me, a lot of it is instinct. Sure, your first time may not be as great as successive times, but communication and experimentation is key. I doubt anyone is quite as bad as their nervous selves think they are going to be first time.
Anonymous Wrote:How do you know how to do sexual things that you have never done before?
Just be somewhat verbal.
There are no right or wrongs in sex, you just do what you both like. Sex doesn't have to include penetration.
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Yanno, I've been thinking about your question a bit more and I think the real issue is that you should be knowledgeable about what is safe and the healthiness of your partner as well as their attitude toward sex. This means you will need to have a real conversation about these things. It is important that you avoid harsh situations. Being inexperienced physically is perhaps not as much of a problem as being uninformed about safe sex and the consequences of your behavior. Nobody goes into this knowing how it all happens You can read up by finding such books as The Joy of Gay Sex and any one of a number of sites online, but nothing will make you have the sensations of sex and the feelings afterwards that getting naked and interacting with another guy. You can be nervous the rest of your life or you can learn what is going on out there. Just be safe while you learn
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starlight Wrote:I absolutely hate when people say that, i went to college and this guy used to say he would never sleep with virgins because they dont know what to do. So he must never have been one for him to get experience.
Sure it's somewhat annoying, but I appreciated that he was honest about it.
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Anonymous Wrote:How do you know how to do the sexual actions if you have never done them before. How do you know how to do anything? How to walk, talk, type on a computer?
YOU LEARN BY DOING, trial and error, failure and success.
Your question is too vague. Specifically what is it you don't know how to do?
Do you not know how to give or get a blow job?
Do you not know how to fuck or get fucked?
This is not rocket science. You watch porn online, right? If so, you already have the general idea. Of course you can't know all the specifics until you actually get into a sexual situation with someone where the two of you are hot and horny and WANT to touch one another, make each other feel good. Moreover, not all people are the same in this regard. Some like one thing and not another. For example some guys don't like to kiss or don't like to have their nipples played with or are very sensitive around their testicles so don't like them squeezed, etc. You can't know these things unless they tell you.
Making love is more an art than a science.
So what is it *specifically* you don't know how to do?
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do you think you can learn how to make a man feel pleasure from porn? you think asking strangers, or friends for that matter, will teach it to you? reading a book, maybe?
none of that will ''teach'' you how to fuck, or otherwise please a man physically. you're in the same boat with everybody else who never fucked and you will remain in that boat until you do it. you can read through all the information out there, and you'll still be as smart as you are now. because sex is a physical/bodily knowledge. not an intellectual or informational one (the informational component is there, but since it's excessively small compared to the physical factor it can be discounted). and it is an idiosyncratic knowledge. and a dynamic knowledge.
also, every person intrinsically knows how to fuck. whether they ever did it or not. what they don't know is what to expect unless they've had experience. and that is the real question here.
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