Yeshua Wrote:I didn't have to officially come out, it was way to easy for me since I was raised by gay parents and my mom was okay with it. It wasn't being gay the most difficult part on my mom' side of the family it was more being atheist that disturbed them
Well you came out, but instead of crying like so many have done it, you were happy about it. What you don't know which I can tell you now is that you crazy dad had got your mom's family together in a web meeting and explained nicely but clearly that if they were going to make a scene because you were gay, they'd stop receiving their monthly financial support that comes from me, Alex and your mom. I didn't mind that they do not agree about us all being atheist, but they are not allowed to judge natural behavior and feelings for which you have no controls. However, it was easy, because filipinos are quite open-minded for the lot of them.