The article is being a bit alarmist, even when it states itself that link to human health effects is vague. What is this "health crisis" then?
So, I won't take the article seriously.
I did, however, found this
Now, that is a proper source of concern.
The compound persists in the environment, is fairly soluble in water and has been produced in large amounts for a while now. Exposure to this molecule from the general population can only mean crappy regulation on industries that produced them, especially in waste handling. That is the only way that a high enough concentration of it can be reached in water supplies or soil.
Seems like they are dropping it already, so all good. Now there is only the leftover pollution to deal with. Most of it in water supplies will find its way to the ocean so no biggie, it will have a concentration of about 0,0000000000000000000000000000001 M there :biggrin:
Soil contamination is trickier as it will find its way up the food chain. I suspect some problems will arise from it, but once it's fully stopped from being produce massively, things should fair better.