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Comeback Workout!
[MENTION=20947]MikeW[/MENTION] Hi, I've done a lot of research things but the main articles seems to contradict each other, example... doing exercise while you're starving, some says are positive and others just the opposite. some articles say that you have to eat before during and after the exercises, and some say you have to eat 30 minutes after you complete your work out. some say you have to lift heavy weight in short time and some that you have to lift low weight during long periods and lot of repetitions, etc.

What I had to do? I tried to study my own body, what kind of things react to myself and what doesn't do any effect, when I had much time, when I had less responsibilities, I can say I got the body I wanted with the style of exercise I realized worked for myself, I reached a body fat percentage between 9-10% which I consider is "ideal" to a body to look and feel healthy. I personally dislike the bodies with less than 7% percentage because I feel they look unnatural, unhealthy and main dehydrated even if they've huge muscles.

I used a logbook to myself where I wrote down my weight and body percentage when I was in my 12th grade in highschool. I realized I wanted to change my body when I was in 11th grade and I was 5'9 (and still) before the exercise I was a skinny dude of 110 pounds. Summertime came in that year so I had a lot of free time to "studied" and work in my physics so I began to work out and ate 6 times a day in the High calorie range, but of healthy things, I tried to avoid fried food, so my diet was mainly in oats, cereals, beans, nuts, chickens and fishes, I also used to made natural fresh juices from fruits like, oranges, cranberries, grapes, pineapples or vegetables like carrots, beets, or tomatoes to avoid wasting or getting low vitamins and minerals. I used to made blendings with greek yogurt, strawberries, blueberries, ice-cream and milk, as post workout milkshakes.

When summer ended I did entered school at 12th grade I did with an 135 pounds body and 1 month later I reached 145 pounds. I ended that year with that weight.

I started to lose weight when I got my first job when I was studying at university, I didn't learned how to manage time, why I said I didn't "learned"? because others dude in uni was also doing the same but they kept their strong bodies without any trouble. and well because they were using the manufactured shakes, those called gainers that I never wanted to try for a long time since last year. I had always thought that using those gainers were like cheating to your own body, and when you stoped using it you will lose weight quickly because you didn't really learned how to ingest the enough calorie quantity divided on the proper type and amount of meals... years later I realized I was right.

I passed from having 145 pounds to 120 pounds, but when I quitted my first job I didn't gain any weight again because I met the worst enemy of a human mind called depression... I depressed for a lot of things that came together at the same time, I tried to do exercises to avoid it but then I realized that wasn't helping so a stoped any activity, months passed and then I realized I was in 110 pounds again...
Depression was finally over since 7 months ago (approximately) I started a business, and then get a new job, but now I'm having problems to manage my time so now I'm still stuck in 120 pounds.

ah yes, I used weight gainers the last year, because I bought a bag but I kept it closed for about 3 months. I began to using it in the first stages of my blue feelings because I didn't wanted to look "sick" and because I was eating almost 1 food a day, gained about 10 pounds but the bag got finally empty. so I lost the weight I gained very quick. I didn't wanted to spend 100$ bucks in buying a bag that last me only 15 days hahaha

I'm still scheduling... I liked to do exercise at noon, but now I can't, in the evening I feel very tired so I'm planning to do it on the morning before work... but also my work have rotating schedule I forgot to mention.

Nevermind I know I will find how to do things Winknudge

Shawn Wrote:[MENTION=20947]MikeW[/MENTION] Hi, I've done a lot of research things but the main articles seems to contradict each other....
Nevermind I know I will find how to do things Winknudge

Haha... yes, it's true, there is a lot of contradictory opinions by the "experts". This is especially true in the "Health and Fitness" industry where MANY of the people promoting products or routines do not have a strong background in science.

From what I understand a lot of this "should you lift heavy or should you lift lighter with more repetitions" has to do with a person's goals. Personally, I mix it up. I do one day of heavy PULL movements, one day of heavy PUSH movements... then a day of light pull and a day of light push. But, then, I have more time than I know what to do with, Tongue3

I know a guy at my gym, Jeff, who is a competitive Powerlifter. (... on smartphones, not relevant to our discussion except it gives you an idea of his size.) He's a big guy but more importantly he is STRONG as hell. I've watched him squat, deadlift, and bench and what he does is SCARY!

In case you don't know, Powerlifting (not the same thing as Olympic lifting) is an individual (as opposed to team) sport in which competitors attempt to lift as much weight as possible for one repetition in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Each lifter is placed into a specific division and classified by several variables including weight, age, and experience. Further subdivisions are made between what is known as “raw” and “geared” powerlifters, that is, whether or not they're wearing supportive 'gear'.

When Jeff trains, he is training to build STRENGTH... Yes, he is a big guy but what he looks like isn't important to him. He is not (strictly speaking) a "bodybuilder". He is training so that when he goes to a competition he can do his ONE REP MAX on stage in front of a panel of judges.

OTOH, I have another friend at the gym who IS a bodybuilder. I don't have a picture of my friend, Jordan, but here's one of a Rusian bodybuilder, Aleksey Leusukov:

[Image: DSC1498_Blog.jpg]

Jordan isn't THAT beastly but they actually look very much alike. Jordan IS concerned with the size of his muscles. He wants to look HUGE (and in fact, he injects , an AAS, as do many bodybuilders). Bodybuilding is about competing for appearance, not strength. I know for a fact that pound for pound, although Jordan is bigger than Jeff, JEFF is stronger than Jordan.

The point being that these two guys train very differently from one another. Here's a bodybuilding.com explanation for this (click the image):

[Image: high-reps-low-reps-which-rep-scheme-is-best-v2-1.jpg]

As for depression, its something I've struggled with all my life, even as a child. As an adult, after years of therapy, it became far less of an issue for me. That is to say, I learned techniques for managing it. I went through a bad stretch two years ago and began taking a prescription medication from my Dr which has helped. I tried going off it this summer but that didn't work... I slipped back into depression again. So I've resumed that medication. I don't *like* having to take anything but for right now at least it seems necessary. I hope at some point I can go off it again (I have been able to do that in the past).

One thing about muscle building: If you've developed your muscles, they do 'remember' in a way. I'm not at all sure how this works but I've experienced it myself. I began working out consistently in 2010 and then in 2014 (when I got depressed) took a year off. But when I went back to working out in 2015, my muscles got back to where they had been in only a few months. I imagine you'll find something similar.

Finding time to workout when you're working a job -- especially if you're running your own business -- is very difficult. This is why I always say the most important thing is doing something you enjoy doing. Depending on your goals, WHAT you do is far less important. What is important is DOING something consistently.

Then again, of course, it does somewhat depend on what you want, what your goals are. If you want to be physically 'fit' (healthy) then an activity like swimming is perfect. OTOH if what you want is to build a muscular physique (even if it isn't 'overly' muscular like a bodybuilder) then you need to do at least SOME resistance training. Resistance training can be lifting weights or it can be pulling on resistance bands or it can be using one's own bodyweight.

Theoretically, anyone CAN do air squats, pushups, and pullups just about anywhere any time of day -- those are three of the big six I mentioned before -- and these ARE forms of resistance training, your body's own weight being the natural resistance. Hell just practice getting down on the floor and getting back up again as fast as you can over and over again. It's a workout!

Doing only that, though, you'll just never look like Aleksey! Tongue3 For that, you not only need to train for size, you need to inject yourself with Tren on a daily basis. Rolleyes

[MENTION=20947]MikeW[/MENTION] For this time that I'm very bussy I think I would have no choice to ingest gainers again. then when I have more time planning the "proper" food diet.
I'm gonna try them before sleep and after I wake up, where I think is set up my most weak meals.

Well I dealed with depression with a struggling and realize technic, thinking in everything that makes me reach that situation, and then doing activities to stop thinking about the situation, relaxing my mind with soft activities and doing things that doesn't over use the brain like watching movies, reading books... etc. Because I personally believe that everytime you try to avoid the bad toughs is the time they comes the harder, so I struggled myself with the quantity I knew I can handle and when I feel I reach a new step (or felt too bad) I left it for another day, and efforting to avoid them just make you anxious, and that's the hardest behavior to control, my main problem was that I overthinking everyday the same thing over and over again, what I needed was to find answers to the lot of things that leads me to that. and huge process takes time, that was the only one thing I repeated myself to keep me outside of desperation. (maybe I'm gonna talk about that one of this days)

back to the topic, Yes I read once about that power exercising, but I don't think I will be able to that in this moment. I mean that thing seems to be very well done to avoid injuries to yourself, so If I'm going to try this kind of new exercises I have to do it with someone who knows very well about the topic.

The dude you post have a great body, but I don't imagine myself being that huge hahaha. and has never being my goal.

I will be pleased if I can achieve something like this [Image: bodybeast.jpg] just with a bit more in some areas like shoulders and abs, but mainly like this.

Creo que la forma de tu cuerpo es muy bueno. No en una manera sexual, claramente , pero del hecho que te parece sana y tienes un buen físico.

Nadie se pueden de ser un todopoderoso Dios, claro, así manteniendo un límite en tu mente va a ser más mejor que si te volviste loco.

Y eres tan joven como yo, hay mucho tiempo para arreglar tu forma a la manera que tú quieres.

No te acuerdas, manito? Sheep

Shawn Wrote:[MENTION=20947]MikeW[/MENTION]...The dude you post have a great body, but I don't imagine myself being that huge hahaha. and has never being my goal.

I will be pleased if I can achieve something like this
[Image: bodybeast.jpg]
just with a bit more in some areas like shoulders and abs, but mainly like this.

Well, [MENTION=23908]Shawn[/MENTION], from my experience talking with young men who have bodies like that, you're looking at three to five years of consistent hard work plus a diet that is damn near perfect. It IS doable but don't kid yourself into thinking it will be "easy". It is not. It *is* easier for younger men, that's for sure. I've been working out fairly consistently now since 2011 and I'm nowhere near this shape. But, then again, I'll be 70 years old in about 15 months. I don't have the stamina or flexibility (or free testosterone) of a younger man.

I'm attaching a not very good pic I took of myself in the gym that will give you some idea of my body shape.

Personally, I love movement. IF I were a younger man, I'd be interested in something like this:

The grace and core strength are admirable.

EDIT: For some reason that YouTube isn't working for me. Here's the link to it:

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

[MENTION=20947]MikeW[/MENTION], wow that's was very cool. also I love that kind of exercises, I mean those bodyweight trainings. I used to to do that I used a fixed bar to do my cores, like when you're doing gymnastics, but now I need another one.
the only dumbbells I used was the bars with weight to do my squats, because bodyweight training is not enough for some areas like butt. haha

Also yes, you have a good body, very nice trained, I'm gonna try to update my progress, when I reach something pleasant.

Any possibility to go for walk in some woods there?
Imo, the best place to exercise at is walking through either woods, because the atmospher is so nice. Or the mountains, because it's quite hard and feels nice when you get to the top.
Find someone who would want to walk those walks with you. It's not so nice to walk them alone.

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