10-28-2016, 12:39 AM
ok so i wanted to start this topic because it bugs me very much .. we all know about circumcision right? no offense to the jews and probably muslims who practice this but this is a different case .. jews are circumcised at birth (8days after) and have no idea of the bullying and name calling some people have to endure from being not circumcised because here in the Philippines circumcision is a BIG thing and when i say big .. people often call you names and bully you for being uncircumcised and i guess it has plagued the world in one way .. people also get a bit proud and act like assholes just because they are circumcised, and that's the ugly thing about circumcision because here, we are circumcised as children and you know how children can be very true and honest about a lot of things .. i myself have been a victim of this as someone who has been circumcised in my early teens my peers did it much earlier so i had to almost hide the fact that i was uncircumcised all my time in gradeschool just to avoid being hurt .. so .. the thing is if you get the idea .. if you are not circumcised .. you are not a man .. that is the idea here .. which can be very emasculating .. another thing is it is already part of culture and is hard to change.. i have to admit but i guess it has affected me in a way that it has caused me to have an attitude problem (you saw me as thawoods how i treated people rather unfairly and maybe some of you, i apologize for that) just an opinion of mine with no official scientific proof ..but if you ask me there is no difference bet an circumcised and an uncircumcised cock, as long as you use it for the same purpose .. to enjoy yourself and make love .. lol ..
so please feel free to rant about your thoughts on this .. as a circumcised or uncircumcised man? i guess i started this thread so that people who are uncircumcised wouldnt feel bad and know that you don't have to be cut to enjoy your manhood and that some circumcised men like myself also share the same sentiments as you. and one thing on religious matters why i agree with the bible is that in the new testament it favors uncircumcised people over the circumcised who have often "discriminated" against uncircumcised converts ..Paul mentioned this in one of his letters i think ..
so let me also apologize in advance also for touching on a very sensitive topic like this i just wanted you to voice out your thoughts and get the comfort and support you need, i wish i had back then .. .. peace out ..
so please feel free to rant about your thoughts on this .. as a circumcised or uncircumcised man? i guess i started this thread so that people who are uncircumcised wouldnt feel bad and know that you don't have to be cut to enjoy your manhood and that some circumcised men like myself also share the same sentiments as you. and one thing on religious matters why i agree with the bible is that in the new testament it favors uncircumcised people over the circumcised who have often "discriminated" against uncircumcised converts ..Paul mentioned this in one of his letters i think ..
so let me also apologize in advance also for touching on a very sensitive topic like this i just wanted you to voice out your thoughts and get the comfort and support you need, i wish i had back then .. .. peace out ..
![[Image: NY_Magazine_Hanna_Rosin_Circumcision_Banana.png]](http://www.chooseintact.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/NY_Magazine_Hanna_Rosin_Circumcision_Banana.png)