I was having this discussion with a mate of mine down the gay village. We sort of liked how underground the whole scene is. Looks like a normal street from the outside (bar the rainbow flags!) and then you go into a pub and 9 times out of 10 it's just a normal pub, but then you start to notice that all the men are dancing with each other, and then you think that most of the people down there probably pretend to be straight all week but theres this one night they have away from the hetro world where they can be whoever they want.
We thought it was quite romantic in a tragic sort of way and decided that if we ever got to the point where homosexuality was completely accepted (which could only be a good thing) and people where allowed to kiss their partners in the middle of the street, then this secretive element of gay culture would be entirley lost forever.
Does this have to be the case? Will increased acceptance lead to the death of gay culture?
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I see your point. It wouldn't die though, just take a new shape, what that will be is a mystery.
The secretive part might though. Then again there might be people who hide there sexuality, there will always be people who hate homosexuality, just like some people still hate feminism and racial equality.
Intresting question though!
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I don't think so. Reason: I live in a gay region called Capitol Hill an area in Seattle Washington that is predominately Gay. I love it here the sights I see are surreal at times. You can see two men, two women holding hands, arm in arm, and the occasional embrace, with out getting a second glance from by passers.
Just last week it was warmer than usual, so I went to one of the local parks It was full of eye candy, most were 1/2 dressed, some laying on blankets an the lawn stoking up the rays. It was nice to see them with there body's in very close proximity. There were family's present, no one even payed them any attention.
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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
It wont die. It will just take a new shape, what that shape will be is a mystery.
I think the secrecy might though. Although some people still might hide there sexuality. There will always be people who hate homosexuality, just like there are still people who hate feminism and racial equality.
Good question though!
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
I think we all have a little revolutionary in Us, I mean sometimes being on the margin is somehow more satisfying than being normal. The question is do we ever want to be normal?
Sub-cultures are often diluted and assimilated into the mainstream when someone thinks it will make them some money. New sub-cultures develop and these often possess more extreme characteristics than that which has been and gone.
In my town there has been 2 or 3 gay venues for the last 10 years or so. When I first moved here 8 years ago they would all be full almost every night of the week. Nowadays they are barely a third full on a friday/saturday night and dead during the week. most gays these days are quite comfortable hanging with straight friends in straight bars. It's just a shame if the Gay venues close and at this rate they will, the culture will disappear with them (community groups, Drag queens, etc). and without a place for large numbers of the gay community to meet and organize and advertise community events and welcome young people that have just come out and support them in a like minded enviroment the gay culture will go back to being underground sleze bars just for sex and events like prides will slowly die out without the strong sense of community that drives people to organise and run them.
Our acceptance in to mainstream culture is a positive thing but supporting the venues and community that got us there in the first place is just as important. we need to keep the rainbow flags flying in our towns and cities so that we never return to the days of ignorance and phobia.
there will always be somone who stays in the closet woh is sceard of being dissowned by friends family ect so I think the caltur won't go. Well not any time soon.
there will always be somone who stays in the closet woh is sceard of being dissowned by friends family ect so I think the caltur won't go. Well not any time soon. And when I 'had' a boyfriend I held his hand in town I just laughed at people who say things.