11-14-2016, 04:15 AM
Hi Greg.
My first suggestion would probably be to stop promoting jew-hating, fag-bashing nuts on YouTube. They just kind of read as riddled with anxiety.
Let's get better.
gregoryagogo Wrote:The government and media are owned and operated by Zionists. The president is just a roll some predetermined "actor" plays. The whole election is like pro-wrestling, completely and over dramatically staged. The roll of president has already been decided by none of our votes... National/world politics, media, sports, etc all scripted using Gematria. Check out Zachary K Hubbard on youtube... this guy is on to something. We're living in a big fucking lie...
My first suggestion would probably be to stop promoting jew-hating, fag-bashing nuts on YouTube. They just kind of read as riddled with anxiety.
Let's get better.