11-05-2016, 07:24 AM
Hello everyone! I'm Lorenzo and I previous held the handle Lorenzooo, but had to make a new account so I'm reintroducing myself again. I'm 23 years old, from Texas and I'm in a wonderful monogomous relationship. When I first found this forum a few years back I made an account to get advice on how to deal with relationship issues with my previously closeted "boyfriend". (Quotation are meant to be there, lol.) Today, I've taken all that amazing advice and now living a happy gay life with the now openly gay man of my dreams. I'm forever thankful to all the users who chimed in on my previous issues and provided much needed advice. Now I'm back and want to give advice to others based on my experiences. If you all would like to PM me or add me as a friend that would be great. I'm always up for chatting with anyone.