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I'm a : Gay Man in an Open Gay Relationship
I watched the last 4 episodes yesterday! A tad cliche, but executed exelently! MOAR!:biggrin:
How long will it be till we get a FULL series of Torchwood/Doctor who? 2010 with the new Doctor, right?
I missed most of series 2 of torchwood. I lost intrest in it, don't know why though.:confused:
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so
Are we going to see a new series of Torchwood? It looks like they've cleared the decks for it to finish. Didn't The Doctor disable Jack's wrist device ... again? How come it was working after being in the explosion?
Can't help being disappointed at the way the 456 were defeated. Keeping them would have paved the way for a fourth series with Torchwood being re-established and becoming part of a resistance movement. That could have been quite exciting, a sort of extra-terrestrial Spooks.
Apart from CJH, life expectancy seems remarkably short in Torchwood employ. How long would you give Gwen?
I know that there's no other torchwood buildings (There has been 4, and 1 of them is yet to be found in Doctor Who, supposily in India)
I aint a doctor who fan, so I don't know whats going on in that, but I suppose if Torchwood is coming back, the Doctor will find Torchwood 4.
Defintly this series was the best BY FAR, it has appealed from all age ranges from like 14 - Pensioners, it really did have so much to offer. Instead of being full of gay scenes, it was more about Jack's Mistery Life and his weird way of coming back. They've done it perfectly
John (who plays Jack) is pissed of cuz, Torchwood's episodes were caught from 10 (BBC3) to about 7 (BBC2) and now there was only 5 (BBC1). While other series who have moved to different chanels like Torchwood ended up getting more episodes.
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I think it may come back - this series was a tester of how well it would do on BBC1. So if the ratings were awesome it will be back - however saying that it took a year and a half to bring back like 5 episodes? If not a bit longer and now the actress that plays Gwen is preggers so I doubt she will be filming for a while.
And aye - the cast were really pissed on how the normal length 14-20 episodes got cut to 5. They said they were expecting to film for 8-9 months but only did 4. So yeh!
I hope it comes back as I much prefer it to Doctor Who!
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]