06-05-2017, 08:47 AM
Hi. Not much to say about me - boring twink number five-thousand...
I'll try listing five interesting things about myself.
One, I play guitar, although I'm crap at it these days. I used to be a lot better but a lot of my old skills have just gone. Two, I'm teaching myself German, with the help of my brother, who's a fluent speaker. I'm hoping to move to Cologne. Three, I had a brief drag career in my late teens. By "brief" I mean one club appearance then had to quit because a "friend" happened to be there and recognised me. Boy, there was hell to pay that morning. (How closely had he been watching me to be able to recognise me with that much Max Factor caked everywhere? What was he doing at a mostly-gay club? I suspect a hypocrite...) Four, I was once on TV, but, although I still have the clip, I'm never sharing it as the lighting and angle made me look atrocious. I am very vain. And, five, I own more records than I own shoes, and I own a lot of shoes.
Can't think of anything else to say, so I guess I'll just say hi again and look forward to meeting some people.

One, I play guitar, although I'm crap at it these days. I used to be a lot better but a lot of my old skills have just gone. Two, I'm teaching myself German, with the help of my brother, who's a fluent speaker. I'm hoping to move to Cologne. Three, I had a brief drag career in my late teens. By "brief" I mean one club appearance then had to quit because a "friend" happened to be there and recognised me. Boy, there was hell to pay that morning. (How closely had he been watching me to be able to recognise me with that much Max Factor caked everywhere? What was he doing at a mostly-gay club? I suspect a hypocrite...) Four, I was once on TV, but, although I still have the clip, I'm never sharing it as the lighting and angle made me look atrocious. I am very vain. And, five, I own more records than I own shoes, and I own a lot of shoes.
Can't think of anything else to say, so I guess I'll just say hi again and look forward to meeting some people.