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I shall leave this as a simple post. Feel free to ask questions and/or give advice where needed/noted.

I would like to let everybody know...

I have an autistic diagnosis. (I'm on the high end of the spectrum)

I am high functioning autistic as well. It was Asbergers but the new American Psych book collapsed all of that under one lable.

I don't have to ask questions, I already know what its like.

I didn't get a real solid diagnosis until two years ago (I was 49), but it was suspected by a friend who knew me well enough around age 35. Back when I was a kid Autism wasn't something most doctors knew enough about. They didn't figure out the whole high functioning aspect until about 20 years ago.

I adapted and learned to blend in with the human population. I consider myself a visiting alien, or an Elf or something outside of "human" and that means I learned to pretend - pretend to be hiding a mission from planet Vulcan (where space elves live) or pretend to be a fair-folk spying on humanity.

Yeah I know, stupid thoughts - but hey having that "I'm other here to study" got me through a lot of things and learned me well on how to act in social settings and deal with the human animals... I mean people.

Hey I'm autistic too.

High functioning/aspergers/ whatever the name is now.

I've gotten good at masking the symptoms though, now it's only obvious if I'm very tired. Although I still sometimes miss context clues and have to ask daft questions.

My brother is diagnosed autistic too, and it is occassionally evident in the things he says and does, like stimming for example. But he's a lovely kid, kind and happy, which is the most important thing.

So have I welcome to the club.

Though not a diagnosis. my twin brother, whom is very similar to myself, has been diagnosed as having Aspergers. Though he only just qualified.
As such, it's likely I also qualify, or am borderline.
Silly Sarcastic So-and-so

When/how were you diagnosed?

I was diagnosed at the age of 15 by a psychological assessment that was done, by the school, at the time. The diagnosis was re-confirmed when I met a psychiatrist at the age of 17, as he also spoke with me (asked questions) and spoke with my mom.

a4b2c Wrote:I was diagnosed at the age of 15 by a psychological assessment that was done, by the school, at the time. The diagnosis was re-confirmed when I met a psychiatrist at the age of 17, as he also spoke with me (asked questions) and spoke with my mom.

What does high-functionaling mean? As opposed to? What does that mean to you?

NativeSon Wrote:What does high-functionaling mean? As opposed to? What does that mean to you?

Not to answer for [MENTION=24571]a4b2c[/MENTION] , as im curious to read his reply, but my brother is on the autism spectrum and considered low functioning, and most of the work I do at my job is with people who are more at that end of the spectrum. My brother is mostly non verbal, he has a lot of behavioral issues and sensory sensitivities, and probably won't be able to live independently, although my mom is a huge advocate of trying to teach him those sorts of skills and to keep his mind challenged and stimulated.
But he's just one individual that has been diagnosed with ASD. Its different for everyone, including what is considered high vs low functioning.

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