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'jacking off' at school
When I was in high school (around 15 or 16), I used the school's computer (in the computer lab) to look up pictures on the internet and masturbate to (since I didn't have internet at home at the time).

I got caught masturbating twice, both times feeling embarrassed and ashamed afterword. (once caught).

I could never do that. Though I did use to fantasize about one of my teachers during study hall periods. If only he knew how many he banged me in my day dreams...

What? hahahaha
I can only say I'm too shy to do that. In here, I've heard people do that on buses.

Our computers in school had stringent filters that made it impossible to look up that sort of thing. Although I wanked a bit in the bathroom now and then, never in a classroom.

Caught by whom? Peers or faculty?

I recall when I was in high shool there was a rumor that this one kid had been caught jerking off in the library. He was the laughing stock of the school, poor guy. I'm not even sure it actually happened... but that it was said to have was bad enough. How did you deal with this shame and embarrassment?

I used to in the toilet at school every now and then, but never in the classroom :eek:. I quite like the thrill of being caught but actually BEING caught is another matter. You were a braver guy than me!

My first boyfriend was also my best friend at school.
We were in the same form, and knew each other from primary school.
Anyway when we were 14 we were in the toilet cubicle (classy) tossing each other off... BANG BANG BANG on the door... the Head of Year!
To this day I have no idea how, but he knew what we were up to and we dragged to his office... talk about the walk of shame... right down the corridors... sniggering kids everywhere!!

A day of nightmares!

Everyone has done it. Boys will be boys as they say.

MikeW Wrote:Caught by whom? Peers or faculty?

I recall when I was in high shool there was a rumor that this one kid had been caught jerking off in the library. He was the laughing stock of the school, poor guy. I'm not even sure it actually happened... but that it was said to have was bad enough. How did you deal with this shame and embarrassment?

It was faculty that caught me both times. (I thank god to this day that it wasn't my peers, for I don't know what would've happened had my peers found out) At the time I got caught, I did worry if any of my peers found out and if so what was going to happen. Initially, I was upset with myself, thinking, "How could I have done this?". I was mad at myself for not having self control. I cried when I got home (in private).

As I had learned more about my body, hormones, and stuff like that, I grew to accept the fact that I can't change what happened, I can't change the way my hormones and body works, and to love myself for who I am.

Hell nope, not for me.

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