The new replaces the old...
Heard the sad news of Michael Jackson's passing at such an early age. Goodness knows what he was dabbling in, lately. Maybe his health should have been a cause for concern. Or maybe fame got the most of him?
He will be missed.
I wonder who else will manage to amass so many fans and so many detractors in the next decade? R.I.P. Michael, wherever you are.
Is there an emoticon for a candle here?
What a sad day in History that was, it's as if an era has died, and indeed one has.
~R.I.P Michael Jackson
On a side note- If I were Farrah Fawcett I would be pretty mad right now. I die after a long fight with cancer and Michael Jackson of all people has to die that very same day, upstaging my death. We love you Farrah, we love you too Michael Jackson.
I never had strong feelings about Michael Jackson. He was good at what he did.
What I do feel very strongly about though is that he was let down SO badly by people who should have been looking out for him. As the gig count soared for the projected come-back residency I couldn't help but wonder how he would ever get through it. The hangers-on clearly thought it was a great chance to milk the cash cow. More money? Just book the O2 for another few nights! Dammit they were still releasing more seats last Wednesday! Such greed and ego should never have been allowed to get so out of hand. His management and support network has a lot to answer for :mad:
I feel nothing for this...things death.
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I didn't hear he'd died until the following morning when I woke up at my mum's place... came on the early morning news... was quite a shock. My sister and cousin used to like him when they were younger.
The only album I had of his was 'Bad' which I got given as a present when I was ickle! My favourite songs were 'Man in the mirror' and 'Smooth Criminal'. (I thought for years he said 'Andy are you ok?' hehe)
I think he was really troubled in later life so hopefully he will rest in peace now he has passed over.
Have been sent a lot of quite interesting stories about him (unknown revelations) in emails... will post some later on.
Also been getting a lot of bad taste jokes... here's one of the better ones...
Quote:Police say Michael Jackson died falling over a childs pram. They are not blaming it on the sunshine, moonlight, good times, they're blaming it on the buggy!!
Andy xox
Note: No trees were destroyed in the sending of this contaminant free message. However, I do concede, a significant number of electrons may have been inconvenienced.
There will be conspiracy theorists abound...2 whether he's REALLY dead or not! Remember ELVIS?
No one will ever know the real MJ.......
He was tormented by the media, even the public for that matter, the man never really had a childhood and basically never grew up and lived a normal life.......BUT
You cannot take away the mans genius