So who is going to get the last book when it comes out? I know I will have a copy on the 21st. I cant wait to see whats going to happen... I'm so excited!
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Tbh I will have to read books 2 onwards before I do
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
I'm working on sat morning, but before I go to my clients I'm gonna run to the store and buy it! I have a B-day party to go to for the rest of the day unfortunately so I'm gonna have to hope that no quick reader comes and spoils it for me.
Gonna spend all sun as a duvet day with it! yay! Can't wait!
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Lucky book getting a duvet daywith you!
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
Have it pre-ordered at Waterstones.
Haven't decided whether to make the midnight opening or not yet.
Spent last few days reading book 5 and 6 again to get me in the mood.
I haven't pre-ordered or anything but noticed today that the Woolworths where I normally go is opening at 8am special. I better dash down as I'll be totally grief-stricken if I can't get me a copy!!
The longer I go without, the more likely it is that some bugger will spoil it for me!
I love first 5 books, but the others - they not so interesting.
I like fanfiction more than 6-7 books. Rowling has created a good story, but it squeezed out all that could and the last book's not very interesting