I'm foetus, and sometimes freefall.
I think I probably do them all except possibly the log? Although I sometimes sleep like a log (a French expression meaning I wouldn't wake up to anything, lol)
foetus and yearner for me
I'd probably say that I adopt the foetus or yearner position most of the time, and sometimes the freefall postion. I know I change positions during the night because I often wake up in a different position to when I went to sleep.
Fetus mostly, every now and then I wake up free falling. Sometimes when I extremely tired I can sleep in one position for 12 or more hours.
No matter how I go to sleep, I always end up on my back (Uhhhh Matron!)
My dreams tend to be viewed from that physical perspective too. I don't place too much emphases on dream interpretation, I simply believe it's the brain thinking without the reins of logic.
Foetus, Yearner and Freefaller. I could never, ever sleep in any other position.
mixture of foetus, soldier, and yearner.. haha i roll around a lot
Freefall, and I like to wrap my arm around my pillow.