You're definitely not unattractive, Sweetie. Maybe those guys just didn't know how to handle you!?
If that you in the picture youre a Hottie.
If somebody says you're not his type is actually code for something else, it can be a lot of different things and you shouldn't worry about it
Maybe the other guy just isn't sure of himself, or wants to fool around and not something serious, or simply the connection isn't there which doesn't mean exactly that is you, don't stress about it. What isn't meant to be just isn't.
Also check for things that you do in relationships that can be a turn off, like being to clingy or needy, nobody likes to be suffocate.
Whatever don't change who you are for liking others, because thats not going to go well, people have to love you for who you are and not a lie, so just be patient and mr right will come.
1. You are gorgeous.
2. Gorgeous people have these doubts about their appearance.
3. How gorgeous you are is mostly to do with how gorgeous you feel.
4. “Gorgeous” people with unpleasant characters soon start to look ugly.
5. You can change your feelings and also your appearance, if you want to.
6. To change how you feel about your appearance and to boost your confidence about it, try some of the following:
a. Go to the gym. It does make you look better but also makes you feel loads better. Other forms of exercise also have the same effect.
b. Buy some new clothes, be bold and experiment.
c. Colour your hair, try a new style.
d. Get a tan, fake or real.
e. Use a very small amount of make-up and very subtly.
f. Stop listening to what people say about your appearance. When someone criticises your look, say “Fuck you very much!” or something of the sort.
g. A smile makes everyone look at their best. Spanish and Italian people are much better at smiling. Copy them. It is an art and needs daily practice.
h. Collect jokes and witty ways of saying things. These always make you more attractive. People like to have a laugh.
Lots of this may seem superficial. It is. That’s what being gorgeous is all about! Finding Mr Right is a tad more difficult but it always happens, if you keep trying.
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Cor. Im sure the advice is good.

Maybe your type has yet to come

! Rubbish advice I know but dude your young. Enjoy it.
[COLOR="Purple"]As I grow to understand less and less,
I learn to love it more and more. [/COLOR]
Well I just want to say myself that you're not ugly in anyway shape or forum. I just have to say though that if someone can't look at what is in the Heart but what is in apperance is someone that isn't right for you.
You would be better off just staying away from them. Sure they made good friendships and what not but the thing is being there friend and what not knowing that you have an attraction to them and staying there friend hurts you more. The reason being is because you just hope and hope and hope that he will be attracted to you and that will put you down more because it keeps not happening.
I would also suggest that you just prolly should take it down on dating.
I will share something else too. Sometimes when one person can't keep a relationship is one thing and I've learned that myself is that before you can actually fall in love with someone you need to fall in love with yourself as well. You should look into yourself for a while being single and figure out "well if I was so and so and wanted to be attracted to me, Maybe I should change this or that about me".
Just a little bit of insight for ya my friend.
Reading my post I realize that I might not have said exactly what I meant. In no way did I mean that you had a bad character! Number 4 in my post was supposed to be a general statement, meaning that people who you find gorgeous at first sight, can sometimes seem ugly when you find out what they are like as people. The sad truth is that it can take a long time to find Mr Right, it can even take a long time for you to decide what sort of person is right for you. Sometimes when you find the right person, it takes quite a while for you to realise that they are the right person. And, conversely, sometimes you are convinced that someone is right for you and later the truth dawns that you made a mistake and they are not what you need. But you are young rb16, time is on your side. Take your time and enjoy being young and uncommitted to anyone until your prince appears. He will. In the meantime enjoy companionship, friendship, sex, whatever is on offer that appeals to you.