11-23-2009, 07:50 PM
A puppy trying to climb out of the cardboard box
Left for dead in the rain yet still I fought
Tripping over my own ears too big for my frame
But they hear the souls that cry out that are treated the same
Pushing over the the soggy prison, venturing out into the road
Scared of all these enemies barreling towards so I drop to a terrified pose
Running full speed back to the box tripping over my own feet
Yet when I get to safety I turn around refusing to accept defeat
Again and again I do this not knowing what this obstacles might be
But I am he who escaped the box through tripping on his feet
I will not give up hope I will not ever stopping running
But one day I will get over there, and of myself, make something
Left for dead in the rain yet still I fought
Tripping over my own ears too big for my frame
But they hear the souls that cry out that are treated the same
Pushing over the the soggy prison, venturing out into the road
Scared of all these enemies barreling towards so I drop to a terrified pose
Running full speed back to the box tripping over my own feet
Yet when I get to safety I turn around refusing to accept defeat
Again and again I do this not knowing what this obstacles might be
But I am he who escaped the box through tripping on his feet
I will not give up hope I will not ever stopping running
But one day I will get over there, and of myself, make something