10-10-2010, 11:48 AM
Contrary to what Rychard says, cool parents do exist and I bet there are more of them than one thinks. We need to give our parents credit for being able to understand, then accept what seems to be an evidence; Most parents will have an idea, maybe, and today will maybe be atuned to the fact that a boy or girl can be gay. In the olden days, it wasn't something you talked about. Some twenty years ago, (~ "What? Thirty???"; ~"Yes thirty"; ~"Yikes!!!"
) I told my mother about having a gay relationship, she didn't want to hear it. When I came out to her 8 years ago, there had been some shifts in her capacity to hear it and understand it. Now she's relieved that I am in a relationship with such a wonderful person as Marshlander. She enjoys him like a son in law.