03-23-2010, 12:09 AM
Adeptus Wrote:We don't wear kilts here, but I think that is an American social deficiency. I think good knees on a fellow are one of his better points. Here, you have to get their pants off before you can find out, and by that time, you aren't looking at their knees.
Get yourself up to Seattle. There is a company there that sells Utili-kilts. Not the authentic Scottish tartan kilts, mind, but they are fairly cool all the same.
Adeptus Wrote:Gnats? Well, we do get mosquitos, big nasty blood sucking ones that come up from Mexico. We can't keep anything from Mexico from crossing our borders, and given some of the fellows I've known from there, that is also an advantage to being in Southern California. But do gnats bite? Mosequitos don't, but they do suck, and I don't mean in a good way.
I've no idea what a gnat is. I think it was the infamous scottish midge that was being referred to. A midge is related to the mosiquo but they're not quite as irritating. They typically keep in small swarms that don't tend to move much so they can be easy to spot, and if you can avoid passing through the swarm then great. They do, however, bite and if you do pass though a swarm you'll soon see what they've done a short time later as the body reacts to their bites.
Adeptus Wrote:Anyway, I'd love to visit Scotland someday, and I'd put up with the cold and the gnats if I'd just get a real chance to know what guys wear under their kilts...:eek:
Nothing is worn under the kilt. It is all in perfect working order, thank you very much!