Yours truly is in search of a good forum lately and poor ChadzBoyz is NOT cutting it. So as I am settling in to my third decade on earth and waiting for a 7:40a flight, I find myself here.
Commence delirious 2am flirting.
lol I just joined up on Chadzboyz the other day. I'm a little out of your age range but I hope you like it here. It's a good forum here. It can get slow at but there is good advice and good people here. Hope you hang around x
I wasn't aware I had an age range!
Well maybe its just me who has an age range lol =] but I do like people who are wise. Its a good thing to be.
I has moments of wise also learning from others mistakes. And I make a very good couples counselor when I'm drunk!
Hello friend, welcome to the forum, kind wishes, Ben.
Posts: 3,163
Threads: 1,916
Joined: Oct 2002
I'm a : Gay Man in a Monogamous Gay Relationship
I hope they like you too! :biggrin:
Big warm
Andy x
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